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Rude food

The seamy underbelly of Tuscan cuisine in 100 ‘gastronomically incorrect’ recipes

Edizione inglese

12,35 € 13,00

Have you ever eaten omelette made with boiled meat leftovers? Or pig’s liver preserved in lard? Perhaps not, especially if the idea of coarse, spicy, or heavy food makes your blood run cold. Many traditional dishes now threatened with falling into oblivion seem specifically conceived to give today’s dieticians and nutritionists a heart attack. And yet, armed with a little courage and due moderation, in the seamy underbelly of Tuscan cuisine we can discover a vast world of tasty and nutritious recipes handed down by a rich and centuries-long culinary culture.
This book presents us with a hundred recipes for what we have playfully dubbed ‘rude food’, teaching us how to prepare these rare and delicious dishes at home, thus avoiding the risk of an ersatz restaurant version.

Avete mai mangiato la frittata col lesso avanzato? E i fegatelli sotto strutto? Forse no, soprattutto se siete spaventati da piatti rozzi, piccanti o pesanti. Tante pietanze tradizionali, che oggi rischiamo di dimenticare, sembrano fatte apposta per far impallidire dietologi e nutrizionisti. Eppure, con un po’ di coraggio e la necessaria moderazione, potremmo scoprire un mondo vastissimo di ricette gustose e nutrienti.
Il libro ci presenta un centinaio di piatti “ignoranti”, e ci insegna a cucinarli a casa nostra, se non vogliamo incorrere in qualche surrogato da ristorante.
Non saper nulla di queste preparazioni, frutto di una cultura secolare, non averne mai provato il sapore… questo, semmai, sarebbe vera ignoranza.

Originally published as: Ricette ignoranti. La Toscana in 100 pietanze “gastronomicamente scorrette”, Carlo Zella, Florence, September 2019
Reprints: September 2020, March 2022, July 2023

1st English edition: February 2024 (translation: Aelmuire Helen Cleary)

Have you ever eaten omelette made with boiled meat leftovers? Or pig’s liver preserved in lard? Perhaps not, especially if the idea of coarse, spicy, or heavy food makes your blood run cold. Many traditional dishes now threatened with falling into oblivion seem specifically conceived to give today’s dieticians and nutritionists a heart attack. And yet, armed with a little courage and due moderation, in the seamy underbelly of Tuscan cuisine we can discover a vast world of tasty and nutritious recipes handed down by a rich and centuries-long culinary culture.
This book presents us with a hundred recipes for what we have playfully dubbed ‘rude food’, teaching us how to prepare these rare and delicious dishes at home, thus avoiding the risk of an ersatz restaurant version.

Originally published as: Ricette ignoranti. La Toscana in 100 pietanze “gastronomicamente scorrette”, Carlo Zella, Florence, September 2019
Reprints: September 2020, March 2022, July 2023

1st English edition: February 2024 (translation: Aelmuire Helen Cleary)

Carlo Zella, 2024

Pagine: 144

Caratteristiche: ill. b/n, br.

b/w ills, paperback

Formato: 17x24

ISBN: 978-88-88433-40-0

Toscofolcloristici, 1


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