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Granny’s Recipes

145 wholesome traditional Tuscan dishes to relish all year round

Edizione inglese

9,50 € 10,00

Le ricette di famiglia, trasmesse da una generazione all’altra, sono un patrimonio inestimabile, specialmente in Toscana, dove la tradizione della buona cucina casalinga è ancora tanto vigorosa da imporsi come paradigma anche in ristoranti e trattorie. Il bello delle ricette di casa, poi, è che aggiungono sempre qualcosa alla solita preparazione, quel tocco di fantasia, quella variante geniale, quell’accorgimento che la rende ancor più gustosa. E così Fabrizio Baroni, fisico prestato alla gastronomia, ha trascritto le ricette ereditate e rivisitate da sua nonna Giovannina e le ha raccolte in questo volume, che tra i molti pregi ha anche quello dell’essenzialità. Sì, perché visto che se c’è un merito che distingue la cucina toscana da ogni altra scuola gastronomica è quello dell’essenzialità, della semplicità, della parsimonia, anche le ricette debbono essere spiegate in maniera essenziale, sintetica, asciutta, senza tante sbrodolature né tanti paroloni, proprio come fece a suo tempo il grande Pellegrino Artusi, facendosi comprendere da chiunque al primo sguardo.
La tradizione toscana più le ottime idee di nonna Giovannina: oltre cento ricette da leccarsi i baffi!

Family recipes that have been handed down through the generations are a priceless heritage. This is particularly true in Tuscany, where the tradition of good home-made cuisine is so strong that family recipes are still used even in restaurants and trattorie. The beauty of home-made recipes is that they always add something more to the standard preparation: a touch of imagination, an inspired variant, a brilliant touch that makes a good dish even better. And so Fabrizio Baroni, a physicist with a penchant for gastronomy, decided to transcribe the recipes of his grandmother Giovannina, and has brought them together in this book which, among its other merits, has the virtue of simplicity. Indeed, since essentiality and humble thrift are innate to Tuscan cooking, it is fitting that the recipes too should be explained in a short and simple manner, rather than being long-winded and wordy. It is the same approach used by the great Pellegrino Artusi in his time: immediately comprehensible to all.
Tuscan tradition combined with Granny Giovannina’s superb ideas have served us up over a hundred mouth-watering recipes!

I edizione italiana: luglio 2012
Ristampe: gennaio 2013, gennaio 2014, gennaio 2015, aprile 2017, settembre 2020, febbraio 2023
I edizione inglese: settembre 2013
I ristampa: gennaio 2023

Family recipes that have been handed down through the generations are a priceless heritage. This is particularly true in Tuscany, where the tradition of good home-made cuisine is so strong that family recipes are still used even in restaurants and trattorie. The beauty of home-made recipes is that they always add something more to the standard preparation: a touch of imagination, an inspired variant, a brilliant touch that makes a good dish even better. And so Fabrizio Baroni, a physicist with a penchant for gastronomy, decided to transcribe the recipes of his grandmother Giovannina, and has brought them together in this book which, among its other merits, has the virtue of simplicity. Indeed, since essentiality and humble thrift are innate to Tuscan cooking, it is fitting that the recipes too should be explained in a short and simple manner, rather than being long-winded and wordy. It is the same approach used by the great Pellegrino Artusi in his time: immediately comprehensible to all.
Tuscan tradition combined with Granny Giovannina’s superb ideas have served us up over a hundred mouth-watering recipes!

1st Italian edition: July 2012
Reprints: January 2013, January 2014, January 2015, April 2017, September 2020, February 2023
1st English edition: September 2013
1st reprint: January 2023

Sarnus, 2013

Pagine: 120

Caratteristiche: ill. b/n, br.

b/w ills, paperback

Formato: 15x21

ISBN: 978-88-563-0149-6

Toscani super DOC, 8


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