The catalog of the exhibition held in Florence at the Museo
Novecento, from 18th March until 7th September 2022, investigates some key
themes of the artistic production of one of the most complex personalities of
the early twentieth century in Italy.
Often accused of pursuing a painting with a “decorative superficiality” of a
neo-impressionist matrix – due to the rapid and light brushstrokes and pleasant
color combinations – de Pisis has instead built many of his major paintings
through a game of references and references, autobiographical and cultural. This
complexity is evident in the careful and studied selection of works in which
the artist has adopted expedients such as the “picture within a picture”, the
mise en abyme of visual representation, the evocation of instruments of the
trade, the allegorical composition that sometimes functions as a rebus.
Il catalogo della mostra ospitata al Museo Novecento di
Firenze dal 18 marzo al 7 settembre 2022 indaga alcuni temi portanti della
produzione artistica di una delle personalità più complesse del primo Novecento
Accusato spesso di perseguire una pittura dalla “superficialità decorativa” di
matrice neo-impressionista, de Pisis ha invece costruito molti dei suoi
maggiori dipinti tramite un gioco di rimandi e riferimenti, autobiografici e
culturali. Questa complessità emerge da una studiata selezione di opere nelle
quali l’artista ha adottato e-spedienti come il “quadro nel quadro”, la mise en abyme della rappresentazione
visiva, l’evocazione degli strumenti del mestiere, la composizione allegorica
che talvolta funziona come un rebus.
The catalog of the exhibition held in Florence at the Museo
Novecento, from 18th March until 7th September 2022, investigates some key
themes of the artistic production of one of the most complex personalities of
the early twentieth century in Italy.
Often accused of pursuing a painting with a “decorative superficiality” of a
neo-impressionist matrix – due to the rapid and light brushstrokes and pleasant
color combinations – de Pisis has instead built many of his major paintings
through a game of references and references, autobiographical and cultural. This
complexity is evident in the careful and studied selection of works in which
the artist has adopted expedients such as the “picture within a picture”, the
mise en abyme of visual representation, the evocation of instruments of the
trade, the allegorical composition that sometimes functions as a rebus.
Polistampa, 2022
A cura di:
Pagine: 272
Caratteristiche: ill. col., br.
Formato: 14x19
ISBN: 978-88-596-2288-8