It’s the catalog of the exhibit held in Florence from 3rd December 2021 until 5th June 2022. Conceived as a real ‘solo’, the exhibition is the first in an Italian museum dedicated to investigating the deep relationships that Leoncillo had with the ancient, archaic and classical, as well as with the great masters of the Renaissance and Baroque, throughout its thirty years of activity (1938-1968).
The collaboration with other Florentine museums and institutions is consolidated: one of Leoncillo’s most famous works is, in fact, exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum of Florence to underline the continuity of a fruitful dialogue between contemporary art and the past, in this case with the artistic expression of the ancient Etruscans, whose creations impressed Leoncillo with their profound understanding of human feelings suspended between love and death, life and afterlife.
The printed works (sculptures, panels and papers) highlight the continuity of gaze that runs through the entire work, beyond the more traditional classifications based solely on stylistic criteria: in fact, from the hybrid and monstrous beings of 1939 until the last and celebrated decade in which the experience of matter triumphs, through the neocubist season (1946-1955).
È il catalogo della mostra ospitata a Firenze dal 3 dicembre 2021 al 5 giugno 2022 nelle sale del Museo Novecento. Concepita come un vero e proprio assolo, la mostra è la prima in un museo italiano dedicata a indagare i profondi rapporti che Leoncillo ha intrattenuto con l’antico, arcaico e classico, oltre che con i grandi maestri del rinascimento e del barocco, lungo tutto l’arco della sua trentennale attività (1938-1968).
Viene consolidato il rapporto di collaborazione con altri musei e istituzioni fiorentine: una delle più celebri opere di Leoncillo è, infatti, esposta al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze a sottolineare la continuità di un dialogo fecondo tra arte contemporanea e passato, in questo caso con l’espressione artistica degli antichi etruschi, le cui creazioni impressionarono Leoncillo per la loro profonda comprensione dei sentimenti umani sospesi tra amore e morte, vita e aldilà.
Le numerose opere riprodotte, fra sculture, pannelli e carte, mettono in evidenza la continuità di sguardo che ne attraversa tutto il lavoro, al di là delle classificazioni più tradizionali e basate unicamente su criteri stilistici: infatti, dagli esseri ibridi e mostruosi del 1939 sino all’ultimo e celebrato decennio in cui trionfa l’esperienza della materia, attraverso la stagione neocubista (1946-1955).
The collaboration with other Florentine museums and institutions is consolidated: one of Leoncillo’s most famous works is, in fact, exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum of Florence to underline the continuity of a fruitful dialogue between contemporary art and the past, in this case with the artistic expression of the ancient Etruscans, whose creations impressed Leoncillo with their profound understanding of human feelings suspended between love and death, life and afterlife.
The printed works (sculptures, panels and papers) highlight the continuity of gaze that runs through the entire work, beyond the more traditional classifications based solely on stylistic criteria: in fact, from the hybrid and monstrous beings of 1939 until the last and celebrated decade in which the experience of matter triumphs, through the neocubist season (1946-1955).
È il catalogo della mostra ospitata a Firenze dal 3 dicembre 2021 al 5 giugno 2022 nelle sale del Museo Novecento. Concepita come un vero e proprio assolo, la mostra è la prima in un museo italiano dedicata a indagare i profondi rapporti che Leoncillo ha intrattenuto con l’antico, arcaico e classico, oltre che con i grandi maestri del rinascimento e del barocco, lungo tutto l’arco della sua trentennale attività (1938-1968).
Viene consolidato il rapporto di collaborazione con altri musei e istituzioni fiorentine: una delle più celebri opere di Leoncillo è, infatti, esposta al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze a sottolineare la continuità di un dialogo fecondo tra arte contemporanea e passato, in questo caso con l’espressione artistica degli antichi etruschi, le cui creazioni impressionarono Leoncillo per la loro profonda comprensione dei sentimenti umani sospesi tra amore e morte, vita e aldilà.
Le numerose opere riprodotte, fra sculture, pannelli e carte, mettono in evidenza la continuità di sguardo che ne attraversa tutto il lavoro, al di là delle classificazioni più tradizionali e basate unicamente su criteri stilistici: infatti, dagli esseri ibridi e mostruosi del 1939 sino all’ultimo e celebrato decennio in cui trionfa l’esperienza della materia, attraverso la stagione neocubista (1946-1955).
It’s the catalog of the exhibit held in Florence from 3rd December 2021 until 5th June 2022. Conceived as a real ‘solo’, the exhibition is the first in an Italian museum dedicated to investigating the deep relationships that Leoncillo had with the ancient, archaic and classical, as well as with the great masters of the Renaissance and Baroque, throughout its thirty years of activity (1938-1968).
The collaboration with other Florentine museums and institutions is consolidated: one of Leoncillo’s most famous works is, in fact, exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum of Florence to underline the continuity of a fruitful dialogue between contemporary art and the past, in this case with the artistic expression of the ancient Etruscans, whose creations impressed Leoncillo with their profound understanding of human feelings suspended between love and death, life and afterlife.
The printed works (sculptures, panels and papers) highlight the continuity of gaze that runs through the entire work, beyond the more traditional classifications based solely on stylistic criteria: in fact, from the hybrid and monstrous beings of 1939 until the last and celebrated decade in which the experience of matter triumphs, through the neocubist season (1946-1955).
The collaboration with other Florentine museums and institutions is consolidated: one of Leoncillo’s most famous works is, in fact, exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum of Florence to underline the continuity of a fruitful dialogue between contemporary art and the past, in this case with the artistic expression of the ancient Etruscans, whose creations impressed Leoncillo with their profound understanding of human feelings suspended between love and death, life and afterlife.
The printed works (sculptures, panels and papers) highlight the continuity of gaze that runs through the entire work, beyond the more traditional classifications based solely on stylistic criteria: in fact, from the hybrid and monstrous beings of 1939 until the last and celebrated decade in which the experience of matter triumphs, through the neocubist season (1946-1955).
Polistampa, 2022
A cura di:
Pagine: 200
Caratteristiche: ill. col., br.
col ills, paperback
Formato: 14x19
ISBN: 978-88-596-2286-4