Tante ricette genuine e parsimoniose della mamma e della nonna, scritte con allegria e semplicità, senza tanti fronzoli. Per un piacere che ogni volta si rinnova in tavola. Si va dall’antipasto al dolce, seguendo il corso delle stagioni nell’orto e nei campi e gustando i saporiti doni della natura, esaltati dall’olio d’oliva di Volmiano, quell’oro verde che accanto alle note virtù gastronomiche ci rivela ora segrete proprietà curative e cosmetiche.
Disegni di Paolo Fiumi, traduzione a cura di Diana Torrigiani Malaspina.
Many wholesome and thrifty recipes, passed down from mother to daughter, written in a joyful, unpretentious style, without embellishments – they are a gift that keeps on giving. From starters to desserts, following the flow of the seasons, in the fields and the vegetable garden. Enjoy the tasty gifts of nature, exalted by the “green gold” of Volmiano, which, in addition to its well-known gastronomic virtues, is also revealed to be a wonderful secret ingredient for health and beauty.
Many wholesome and thrifty recipes, passed down from mother to daughter, written in a joyful, unpretentious style, without embellishments – they are a gift that keeps on giving. From starters to desserts, following the flow of the seasons, in the fields and the vegetable garden. Enjoy the tasty gifts of nature, exalted by the “green gold” of Volmiano, which, in addition to its well-known gastronomic virtues, is also revealed to be a wonderful secret ingredient for health and beauty.
Drawings by Paolo Fiumi, translation by Diana Torrigiani Malaspina.
Italian edition
Sarnus, 2013
Pagine: 128
Caratteristiche: ill. b/n, br.
Formato: 12x17
ISBN: 978-88-563-0218-9
I naturini, 3