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Conservation Turn - Return to Conservation. Tolerance for Change, Limits of Change

Proceedings of the International Conferences of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for the Theory and the Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration. 5-9 May 2010, Prague / Český Krumlov, Czech Republic. 3-6 March 2011, Florence, Italy

Testi in inglese

23,80 € 28,00

Con gli Atti del Convegno 2009 The Image of Heritage - Changing Perceptions, Permanent Responsabilities pubblicati nel 2011, la Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco - Life Beyond Tourism annunciava la creazione del Portale Non Profit Life Beyond Tourism che si è alimentato anche del dibattito scientifico in seno al Comitato Teoria e delle attente osservazioni del suo primo Presidente Andrzej Tomaszewski. Nato per esaltare la ‘fruizione’ del Patrimonio per il dialogo tra culture, il portale introduce il visitatore al carattere del territorio attraverso le sue espressioni culturali anche le meno visibili, ma che lo rappresentano in modo significativo e le cui origini e l’odierna attività consentono l’interpretazione e la presentazione della biografia culturale del luogo. Sarà più semplice comprendere, a livello mondiale, cosa ci unisce, prima ancora di cosa ci divide.

«A un anno di distanza la Fondazione, attraverso la propria rete di Istituzioni e Università nei cinque continenti, ha avviato il popolamento del portale e per garantirgli una autonomia economica ed operativa dotandolo di un Sistema di prenotazione di servizi turistici, Questo, senza oneri aggiuntivi per l’utenza, destina totalmente i propri proventi al portale Culturale Non Profit Life Beyond Tourism: una palese ‘buona pratica’ per la tutela, valorizzazione e fruizione per il dialogo, di quel patrimonio rappresentato all’interno del Portale Culturale. Il nuovo portale e la sinergia tra la sua componente dedicata alla biografia culturale e quella dedicata ai servizi turistici dei territori presenti nel portale, sarà presentata al 7° incontro annuale del Comitato ICOMOS Teoria dal titolo Heritage Under Pressure - Perspectives of Historic Urban Landscape (HUL), che si terrà in Azerbaijan, a Baku dal 26 al 28 aprile 2012.»
Paolo Del Bianco
Presidente Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco - Life Beyond Tourism

With its publication of the proceedings of the 2009 Conference on The Image of Heritage - Changing Perceptions, Permanent Responsabilities in 2011, the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism announced the creation of the Life Beyond Tourism Non-Profit Portal, a move prompted also by the scientific debate within the Theory Committee and by the precious indications imparted by its first president, Andrzej Tomaszewski. Designed to promote the “use and enjoyment” of heritage for the furtherance of intercultural dialogue, the portal aims to introduce the visitor to a region’s character through its cultural expressions, including those that, while maintaining a low profile, nevertheless represent it in a significant manner, and whose origins and current activities facilitate the interpretation and presentation of the region’s cultural biography as a whole. The portal’s goal is to make it easier, worldwide, for people to comprehend the things that unite us rather than those that divide us.

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With its publication of the proceedings of the 2009 Conference on The Image of Heritage - Changing Perceptions, Permanent Responsabilities in 2011, the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism announced the creation of the Life Beyond Tourism Non-Profit Portal, a move prompted also by the scientific debate within the Theory Committee and by the precious indications imparted by its first president, Andrzej Tomaszewski. Designed to promote the “use and enjoyment” of heritage for the furtherance of intercultural dialogue, the portal aims to introduce the visitor to a region’s character through its cultural expressions, including those that, while maintaining a low profile, nevertheless represent it in a significant manner, and whose origins and current activities facilitate the interpretation and presentation of the region’s cultural biography as a whole. The portal’s goal is to make it easier, worldwide, for people to comprehend the things that unite us rather than those that divide us.

«A year on, working through its network of institutions and universities covering the five continents, the Fondazione has begun to populate the portal while endeavouring to ensure that it remains financially and operationally independent by building a tourist reservation system on into it. Without any additional cost to users, this system turns the entirety of its profits over to the Life Beyond Tourism Non-Profit Portal - clearly a “good practice” for the safeguarding, enhancement and enjoyment of the heritage represented in the Cultural Portal for the benefit of intercultural dialogue. The new portal and the synergy between its cultural biography component and its component devoted to tourist services in the regions present on the portal, is to be presented at the ICOMOS Theory Committee’s 7th annual meeting on Heritage Under Pressure – Perspectives of Historic Urban Landscape (HUL), which is to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan from 26 to 28 April 2012.»
Paolo Del Bianco
Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco - Life Beyond Tourism

PDF format

Polistampa, 2012

A cura di:

Pagine: 352

Caratteristiche: ill. b/n, br.

b/w ills, paperback

Formato: 16,5x24

ISBN: 978-88-596-1079-3
