Head of the Federal Office for the Preservation of Historic Monuments and Sites in Upper Austria; Professor at the Private Catholic University of Theology in Linz/Austria; President of ICOMOS Austria; Vice-President of ICOMOS International and of the ICOMOS Scientific Committee for the Theory and the Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration
Wilfried Lipp studied architecture and art history in Graz with a minor in ethnology at Salzburg University. He earned his PhD in 1970 for his thesis on “Nature in the drawings by Albrecht Altdorfer”. He received his postdoctoral lecture qualification in 1986 at the Salzburg University with the professorial dissertation “Nature – History – Monument. On the Development of Monument Awareness by the Civil Society”. Since 1970 he has been working with the Federal Office for the Preservation of Historic Monuments and Sites in Upper Austria, and became its head in 1992. Professor Wilfried Lipp became a lecturer at the University of Art in Linz since 1981 and at Salzburg University since 1986. Since 2005 he has been teaching at the Private Catholic University of Theology in Linz. He was elected President of ICOMOS Austria in 2002 and Vice-President of ICOMOS International responsible for Europe since 2009. Wilfried Lipp has been Vice-President of the ICOMOS Scientific Committee for the Theory and the Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration since 2005 and is co-editor of this publication, together with Michael Falser and Andrzej Tomaszewski.
Numerous of his publications deal with the history and theory of preservation of monuments and historic sites. Published books: Natur – Geschichte – Denkmal. Zur Entstehung des Denkmalbewusstseins der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Frankfurt, New York 1987; Denkmal – Werte – Gesellschaft. Zur Pluralität des Denkmalbegriffs. Frankfurt, New York 1993; Kultur des Bewahrens. Schrägansichten zur Denkmalpflege.Wien, Köln, Weimar 2008.
Head of the Federal Office for the Preservation of Historic Monuments and Sites in Upper Austria; Professor at the Private Catholic University of Theology in Linz/Austria; President of ICOMOS Austria; Vice-President of ICOMOS International and of the ICOMOS Scientific Committee for the Theory and the Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration
Wilfried Lipp studied architecture and art history in Graz with a minor in ethnology at Salzburg University. He earned his PhD in 1970 for his thesis on “Nature in the drawings by Albrecht Altdorfer”. He received his postdoctoral lecture qualification in 1986 at the Salzburg University with the professorial dissertation “Nature – History – Monument. On the Development of Monument Awareness by the Civil Society”. Since 1970 he has been working with the Federal Office for the Preservation of Historic Monuments and Sites in Upper Austria, and became its head in 1992. Professor Wilfried Lipp became a lecturer at the University of Art in Linz since 1981 and at Salzburg University since 1986. Since 2005 he has been teaching at the Private Catholic University of Theology in Linz. He was elected President of ICOMOS Austria in 2002 and Vice-President of ICOMOS International responsible for Europe since 2009. Wilfried Lipp has been Vice-President of the ICOMOS Scientific Committee for the Theory and the Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration since 2005 and is co-editor of this publication, together with Michael Falser and Andrzej Tomaszewski.
Numerous of his publications deal with the history and theory of preservation of monuments and historic sites. Published books: Natur – Geschichte – Denkmal. Zur Entstehung des Denkmalbewusstseins der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Frankfurt, New York 1987; Denkmal – Werte – Gesellschaft. Zur Pluralität des Denkmalbegriffs. Frankfurt, New York 1993; Kultur des Bewahrens. Schrägansichten zur Denkmalpflege.Wien, Köln, Weimar 2008.