Dopo la prima conferenza di ISC Theory a Firenze nel 2007, Values and Criteria in Heritage Preservation, fu pianificata la conferenza di Vienna del 2008 come commemorazione del 150seimo anniversario della nascita di Alois Riegl. Il volume onora il suo lavoro con contributi di Wilfried Lipp, Michael S. Falser, Paolo Del Bianco, Niels Gutschow, Jukka Jokilehto, Christiane Schmuckle-Mollard, Peter Burman, Andreas Lehne, Ursula Schädler-Saub, Bogusl⁄ aw Szmygin, Andrzej Tomaszewski, Duncan Marshall, Zbigniew Kobylin´ski, Christoph Machat, Irmela Spelsberg, Natalia Dushkina, Erzsébet Kovács, Jörg Haspel, Gamini Wijesuriya, Giora Solar, Dinu Bumbaru, Eduard Sekler.
After the first conference of the ISC Theory in Florence 2007, Values and Criteria in Heritage Preservation, the Vienna Conference in 2008 was planned as a commemoration of the 150th birth anniversary of Alois Riegl. The volume honours his work with contributions of: Wilfried Lipp, Michael S. Falser, Paolo Del Bianco, Niels Gutschow, Jukka Jokilehto, Christiane Schmuckle-Mollard, Peter Burman, Andreas Lehne, Ursula Schädler-Saub, Bogusl⁄ aw Szmygin, Andrzej Tomaszewski, Duncan Marshall, Zbigniew Kobylin´ski, Christoph Machat, Irmela Spelsberg, Natalia Dushkina, Erzsébet Kovács, Jörg Haspel, Gamini Wijesuriya, Giora Solar, Dinu Bumbaru, Eduard Sekler.
Prefaces by Wilfried Lipp & Michael S. Falser, Paolo Del Bianco
Foreword of the Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context, by Niels Gutschow
Pillars of conservation. Reflections on its European roots
The idea of conservation. An overview - Viollet-le-Duc and his followers. French theories in the 19th and the 20th centuries - Ruskin’s children. John Ruskin, the ‘Good Steward’, and his influence today - Georg Dehio, Alois Riegl, Max Dvorˇák – a threshold in theory development - Teoria e metodologia del restauro. Italian contributions to conservation in theory and practice
Doctrinal texts in review. From European standards to global issues
Formal analysis of doctrinal texts in heritage protection - From Athens 1931 to Venice 1964. History and actuality - From Venice 1964 to Nara 1994 – changing concepts of authenticity? - The Burra Charter in an international context – the implications of international doctrine for practice in Australia
Perspectives from the ICOMOS Scientific Committees
Contemporary archaeological heritage management: conflicts between research, preservation and presentation - The vernacular between theory and practice - Cultural landscape – an expanding notion and its challenges for conservation - The “challenge of change” and the 20th-century heritage - Theoretical and practical issues of conservation in the context of tourism
Conservation philosophy in today’s transcultural reality
Contrast versus context. A conflict between the authenticity of the past and the authenticity of the present? - Conservation in context - Conservation and religion - Communities, communications, conservation philosophy - The cult of authenticity in the age of fake - In praise of principles
Dedicated to Alois Riegl in the 150th anniversary of his birth / An Alois Riegl gewidmet an seinem 150. Geburtstag (1858-1905)
After the first conference of the ISC Theory in Florence 2007, Values and Criteria in Heritage Preservation, the Vienna Conference in 2008 was planned as a commemoration of the 150th birth anniversary of Alois Riegl. The volume honours his work with contributions of: Wilfried Lipp, Michael S. Falser, Paolo Del Bianco, Niels Gutschow, Jukka Jokilehto, Christiane Schmuckle-Mollard, Peter Burman, Andreas Lehne, Ursula Schädler-Saub, Bogusl⁄ aw Szmygin, Andrzej Tomaszewski, Duncan Marshall, Zbigniew Kobylin´ski, Christoph Machat, Irmela Spelsberg, Natalia Dushkina, Erzsébet Kovács, Jörg Haspel, Gamini Wijesuriya, Giora Solar, Dinu Bumbaru, Eduard Sekler.
Prefaces by Wilfried Lipp & Michael S. Falser, Paolo Del Bianco
Foreword of the Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context, by Niels Gutschow
Pillars of conservation. Reflections on its European roots
The idea of conservation. An overview - Viollet-le-Duc and his followers. French theories in the 19th and the 20th centuries - Ruskin’s children. John Ruskin, the ‘Good Steward’, and his influence today - Georg Dehio, Alois Riegl, Max Dvorˇák – a threshold in theory development - Teoria e metodologia del restauro. Italian contributions to conservation in theory and practice
Doctrinal texts in review. From European standards to global issues
Formal analysis of doctrinal texts in heritage protection - From Athens 1931 to Venice 1964. History and actuality - From Venice 1964 to Nara 1994 – changing concepts of authenticity? - The Burra Charter in an international context – the implications of international doctrine for practice in Australia
Perspectives from the ICOMOS Scientific Committees
Contemporary archaeological heritage management: conflicts between research, preservation and presentation - The vernacular between theory and practice - Cultural landscape – an expanding notion and its challenges for conservation - The “challenge of change” and the 20th-century heritage - Theoretical and practical issues of conservation in the context of tourism
Conservation philosophy in today’s transcultural reality
Contrast versus context. A conflict between the authenticity of the past and the authenticity of the present? - Conservation in context - Conservation and religion - Communities, communications, conservation philosophy - The cult of authenticity in the age of fake - In praise of principles
Dedicated to Alois Riegl in the 150th anniversary of his birth / An Alois Riegl gewidmet an seinem 150. Geburtstag (1858-1905)
PDF format
Polistampa, 2010
A cura di:
Pagine: 304
Caratteristiche: ill. b/n, br.
Formato: 16,5x24
ISBN: 978-88-596-0746-5