Following the important essay on majolica figurata of Montelupo published in 2012, this book takes up the topic enriching it with new and stimulating historical-critical contributions and giving an account of the acquisition of further new materials such as historiated majolica, or majolica decorated with portraits or coats of arms. The volume includes a first part of contextual framing and a second one composed of a substantial selection of works, many of which previously published, collected in a catalog of individual records with in-depth commentary.
Sulla scia del volume sulle maioliche figurate di Montelupo edito nel 2012, il testo riprende l’argomento arricchendolo di nuovi e stimolanti contributi storico-critici e dando conto dell’acquisizione di ulteriori copiosi materiali inediti, in particolare nuove maioliche istoriate, stemmate o decorate con ritratti. Il volume prevede una prima parte saggistica di inquadramento contestuale e una seconda composta da una corposa selezione di opere, molte delle quali pubblicate per la prima volta, raccolte in un catalogo di singole schede con commento approfondito.
Texts by Timothy Wilson, Fausto Berti, Marino Marini, Carmen Ravanelli Guidotti.
Translation by Anna Moore.
Italian edition
Following the important essay on majolica figurata of Montelupo published in 2012, this book takes up the topic enriching it with new and stimulating historical-critical contributions and giving an account of the acquisition of further new materials such as historiated majolica, or majolica decorated with portraits or coats of arms. The volume includes a first part of contextual framing and a second one composed of a substantial selection of works, many of which previously published, collected in a catalog of individual records with in-depth commentary.
Texts by Timothy Wilson, Fausto Berti, Marino Marini, Carmen Ravanelli Guidotti.
Translation by Anna Moore.
Italian edition
Polistampa, 2019
Pagine: 312
Caratteristiche: ill. col., cart.
Formato: 24x31
ISBN: 978-88-596-1960-4