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Strolling through Florence (Discovering the city’s hidden secrets)

A “slow stroll” through the heart of Florence’s historic centre, on the discovery of curious facts, legends, anecdotes, and popular beliefs that have surrounded this city since medieval and renaissance times

Edizione inglese

8,84 € 9,30

Chi ama viaggiare e scoprire la vera anima di una città, sa che non c’è niente di meglio che cercare storie inusuali, leggende e racconti, meglio se raccontati proprio dagli abitanti del posto. Questo libro di Franco Ciarleglio raccoglie 56 storie su Firenze nel medioevo e Rinascimento, come risultato di un grande studio di antichi testi trovati negli archivi storici della città.
Un libro piacevole da leggere che può anche essere usato come guida della città. Ci sono mappe del centro cittadino che mostrano l’intero percorso della “passeggiata” e le antiche mura dai tempi dei Romani fino a oggi.

Those who love to travel and discover the true soul of a city, they know that nothing is better than looking for unusual stories, legends and tales, better if told by city dwellers. This book by Franco Ciarleglio gathers 56 stories on Florence in Middle Age and Renaissance, as a result from a great study on ancient texts found in the historical archives of the city.
A book easy to read which can also be used as a tour guide. There are maps of the city center, showing the entire route of the “stroll”, and of the ancient walls since Roman times until today.

Those who love to travel and discover the true soul of a city, they know that nothing is better than looking for unusual stories, legends and tales, better if told by city dwellers. This book by Franco Ciarleglio gathers 56 stories on Florence in Middle Age and Renaissance, as a result from a great study on ancient texts found in the historical archives of the city.
A book easy to read which can also be used as a tour guide. There are maps of the city center, showing the entire route of the “stroll”, and of the ancient walls since Roman times until today.

Tipografia Bertelli, 2003

Pagine: 160

Caratteristiche: ill. col., br.

col ills, paperback

Formato: 12x17

ISBN: 978-88-901092-1-8


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