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Paper Heart

Edizione inglese
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9,50 € 10,00

Florence in 2030 offers a vantage-point from which to observe a very changed world: planetary political equilibrium has been skewed, the right to vote has been restricted and has to be earned through socially useful actions, and everyone is monitored by means of microchips implanted under the skin. This is the futuristic setting for the story of Guelfo, of his love for Francesca and that between Francesca’s parents, Giovanni and Laura, and for the relationship of profound intellectual exchange that develops between Guelfo and Giovanni. These are some of the motifs running through the most ordinary and unfathomable plot of all: the life (and hence death) story of each and every one of us. The novel bodies out an attempt to arrive at the meaning of things, probing the most profound passions and impulses, the miracle of being in the world and knowing how to be in the world. And so, goodness is beauty, love, dream, suffering, commitment, generation, belonging to one’s own place, since “being Florentine is a state of mind, an innate sense of grace and proportion”.
“A book among books. And there’s Florence, where the characters navigate suspended between imagination and reality, between ambiguity and the desire for death, but always end up rediscovering the positive part of themselves and of the world” «La Repubblica»
“A humanistic tale which has found the three-dimensionality of man, using the past as memory, the future as hope and the pre- sent as attention. Riccardo Zucconi’s Paper Heart also boasts a philosophical quality: that of not revealing anything, but allowing men to discover what they are not aware of knowing” «La Nazione»

La Firenze del 2030 è un punto da cui osservare un mondo ormai cambiato: gli equilibri politici planetari sono stati stravolti, il diritto di voto è stato ristretto e va guadagnato con azioni socialmente utili, le persone sono controllate da microchip impiantati sotto la pelle.
In questo scenario futuribile si inserisce la storia di Guelfo. Il suo amore per Francesca, quello tra i genitori di quest’ultima, Giovanni e Laura, il rapporto di grande condivisione intellettuale tra Giovanni e Guelfo, sono alcuni degli snodi da cui passa il più usuale e insondabile degli scenari: quello della vita (e dunque della morte) di ciascuno. Nel tentativo di riappropriarsi del senso delle cose, delle passioni e degli slanci più profondi, del proprio posto nel mondo. Ed anche dei propri luoghi, se “essere fiorentini è uno stato di spirito. È un senso innato della grazia e della misura”.

1st Italian edition: March 1998
Reprints: September 1998, March 2003, November 2008
2nd Italian edition: October 2013
Reprints: April 2015, February 2018, December 2018, July 2022, June 2023
1st Brazilian edition: Coração de papel, Editora Record, Rio de Janeiro, 2004 (translation: Eliana Aguiar)
1st English edition: Paper Heart, Mauro Pagliai, Florence, July 2015 (translation: Aelmuire Helen Cleary)
Reprints: February 2018, December 2018, July 2022, June 2023, September 2024

Florence in 2030 offers a vantage-point from which to observe a very changed world: planetary political equilibrium has been skewed, the right to vote has been restricted and has to be earned through socially useful actions, and everyone is monitored by means of microchips implanted under the skin. This is the futuristic setting for the story of Guelfo, of his love for Francesca and that between Francesca’s parents, Giovanni and Laura, and for the relationship of profound intellectual exchange that develops between Guelfo and Giovanni. These are some of the motifs running through the most ordinary and unfathomable plot of all: the life (and hence death) story of each and every one of us. The novel bodies out an attempt to arrive at the meaning of things, probing the most profound passions and impulses, the miracle of being in the world and knowing how to be in the world. And so, goodness is beauty, love, dream, suffering, commitment, generation, belonging to one’s own place, since “being Florentine is a state of mind, an innate sense of grace and proportion”.

“A book among books. And there’s Florence, where the characters navigate suspended between imagination and reality, between ambiguity and the desire for death, but always end up rediscovering the positive part of themselves and of the world” «La Repubblica»
“A humanistic tale which has found the three-dimensionality of man, using the past as memory, the future as hope and the pre- sent as attention. Riccardo Zucconi’s Paper Heart also boasts a philosophical quality: that of not revealing anything, but allowing men to discover what they are not aware of knowing” «La Nazione»

1st Italian edition: March 1998
Reprints: September 1998, March 2003, November 2008
2nd Italian edition: October 2013
Reprints: April 2015, February 2018, December 2018, July 2022, June 2023
1st Brazilian edition: Coração de papel, Editora Record, Rio de Janeiro, 2004 (translation: Eliana Aguiar)
1st English edition: Paper Heart, Mauro Pagliai, Florence, July 2015 (translation: Aelmuire Helen Cleary)
Reprints: February 2018, December 2018, July 2022, June 2023, September 2024

Mauro Pagliai, 2015

Pagine: 152

Caratteristiche: br.


Formato: 12,2x20

ISBN: 978-88-564-0318-3

Biblioteca di Letteratura, 27


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