L’Arno è sempre stato di casa a Santa Croce. Firenze, grazie al fiume, non ha mai dovuto sopportare la sete come accadeva invece a Siena o Perugia, ma insieme ne ha dovuto subire le “ire”, il suo gonfiarsi, lento o improvviso, e il suo rovesciarsi sulla città. All’inizio del Duecento, i frati dell’ordine francescano scelsero proprio quella zona perché era un’area povera e depressa sia economicamente che geologicamente, in linea con lo spirito di San Francesco, che voleva i frati vicini ai più umili. E l’elenco delle piene, piccole o grandi, devastanti o meno drammatiche, ha segnato la storia di Firenze, e in particolare di Santa Croce, fino a ieri.
Il volume ripercorre tutte le maggiori alluvioni che hanno colpito il capoluogo toscano attraverso le cronache letterarie del diluvio, a firma di nomi illustri quali Giovanni Villani, Marchionne di Coppo Stefani, Giovan Battista Adriani, Bernardo Segni, Filippo Baldinucci, Agostino Lapini, Giuliano de’ Ricci, Giuseppe Aiazzi, Guido Gerosa e Ferdinando Rossi.
The Arno has always been familiar with Santa Croce. Thanks to the Arno, Florence never had to suffer thirst, as Siena or Perugia did, but it did have to suffer the river’s “wrath”, its swelling, slow or sudden, and its overflowing into the city. At the beginning of the thirteenth century, the Franciscan Order chose that area because it was a poor zone, depressed both economically and geologically, in line with St Francis’s wish to see his friars close to the poorest people. A listing of floods, large or small, devastating or not, marks the history of Florence, and in particular of Santa Croce, until just a few years ago.
The volume goes along the most important floods, that hit the Tuscan chief town through the literary chronicles of the deluge, written by Giovanni Villani, Marchionne di Coppo Stefani, Giovan Battista Adriani, Bernardo Segni, Filippo Baldinucci, Agostino Lapini, Giuliano de’ Ricci, Giuseppe Aiazzi, Guido Gerosa e Ferdinando Rossi.
English edition
The Arno has always been familiar with Santa Croce. Thanks to the Arno, Florence never had to suffer thirst, as Siena or Perugia did, but it did have to suffer the river’s “wrath”, its swelling, slow or sudden, and its overflowing into the city. At the beginning of the thirteenth century, the Franciscan Order chose that area because it was a poor zone, depressed both economically and geologically, in line with St Francis’s wish to see his friars close to the poorest people. A listing of floods, large or small, devastating or not, marks the history of Florence, and in particular of Santa Croce, until just a few years ago.
The volume goes along the most important floods, that hit the Tuscan chief town through the literary chronicles of the deluge, written by Giovanni Villani, Marchionne di Coppo Stefani, Giovan Battista Adriani, Bernardo Segni, Filippo Baldinucci, Agostino Lapini, Giuliano de’ Ricci, Giuseppe Aiazzi, Guido Gerosa e Ferdinando Rossi.
Edizione italiana
The Arno has always been familiar with Santa Croce. Thanks to the Arno, Florence never had to suffer thirst, as Siena or Perugia did, but it did have to suffer the river’s “wrath”, its swelling, slow or sudden, and its overflowing into the city. At the beginning of the thirteenth century, the Franciscan Order chose that area because it was a poor zone, depressed both economically and geologically, in line with St Francis’s wish to see his friars close to the poorest people. A listing of floods, large or small, devastating or not, marks the history of Florence, and in particular of Santa Croce, until just a few years ago.
The volume goes along the most important floods, that hit the Tuscan chief town through the literary chronicles of the deluge, written by Giovanni Villani, Marchionne di Coppo Stefani, Giovan Battista Adriani, Bernardo Segni, Filippo Baldinucci, Agostino Lapini, Giuliano de’ Ricci, Giuseppe Aiazzi, Guido Gerosa e Ferdinando Rossi.
English edition
Polistampa, 2006
A cura di:
Pagine: 32
Caratteristiche: ill. col., punto met.
Formato: 17x21
ISBN: 978-88-596-0131-9
Opera di Santa Croce Comunicalarte | Album, 2