Daniela Poli was born in Florence, Italy, in 1961. She completed her
undergraduate studies in Architecture and went on to achieve her PhD in 1998, both
at the University of Florence. She carried out her PhD thesis in the field of
description and representation of the region investigating the scientific
domain in regional description. From December of 2002 she is assistant
professor of urban and regional planning (Icar 20).
From December 2011 she is Associate Professor. She currently teaches Analysis
of Territory and Landscape and Planning and Design for Landscapes. Her field of
interest for a long period has been the
relationship between regional historic substance and design dimensions. In this
context she has used an experimental method of analysis and representation
applied to the history of regional spaces. Her recent research addresses the
description of a contemporary sense of landscape, landscape planning and
descriptions where structural and perceptive dimensions converge. In particular
she is interested in the relationship between agriculture, rural development
and urban form. She is part of scientific comity of Interuniversity Centre of Science of Territory (formed by the
five university of Tuscany), the national executive comity of the Academic Society
the Italian Regional town planning Society SIU (Società Italiana degli
Urbanisti), and in the national executive comity of the international Society
of study the SDT (Società dei territorialisti e delle territorialiste) - the
Territorilialist Society.
She has carried out commissioned research and planning projects for several
local and regional public offices on these subjects, as the PTC of Prato (Plan
for the Province of Prato) and the Landscape Planning Office of the Region of
Puglia, with the Landscape Planning Office of the Region of Tuscany, with the
Bioregion research in Aquitaine en France. She is chief editor of the series
“Territori” and the international Review “Scienze del Territorio”, both
published by the University of Florence Press. Among her
publications: Poli D. (2012 - a cura di), Regole e progetti per il
paesaggio. Verso il nuovo piano paesaggistico della Toscana , Firenze
University Press, Firenze; Poli D. (2002 - a cura di), Progettare il
paesaggio nella crisi della modernità. Casi, riflessioni, studi sul senso del
paesaggio contemporaneo, All'Insegna del Giglio, Firenze; Poli D. (2012),
"La dimension locale dans le projet du parc agricole de la Toscane
centrale" in Guillot X. (a cura di), Espace rural et projet spatial,
volume 3. Du terrain à la recherche: objets et
stratégies , Publications de l'Université de
Saint-Étienne (PUSE), Saint-Étienne, pp. 42-59 ; Poli D. (2010), "The
patrimonial process of rural territory and landscape planning", in AA.VV.,
Living Landscape. The European Landscape Convention
in research perspective , Atti del Convegno
internazionale (Firenze, 18-19 Ottobre 2010), Bandecchi e Vivaldi Editori,
Pontedera, pp. 474-487; B65 Poli D. (2010), "The Agrarian Park of Central
Tuscany: innovative planning instrument", in Galli M., Lardon S.,
Marcaccini E., Bonari E., Agricultural management in peri-urban areas ,
Felici Editore, Ghezzano, pp. 105-114.