Jens-Flemming Sørensen, nato a Copenhagen nel 1933, è
scultore. Opera in Italia a Pietrasanta (Lucca) e negli USA a New York.
Dal 1966 al 1976 ha esposto opere in personali a Copenhagen, successivamente in
Svezia e nuovamente in Danimarca. Del 1980 è la sua prima personale statunitense,
alla «Gallery Brandts America» di New York. Numerose altre sue personali sono
state tenute dall’83 in Danimarca, Svezia, Francia, USA, Svizzera e
Italia. Opere di Sørensen sono esposte nelle collezioni permanenti di
prestigiosi musei di tutto il mondo.
“Jens-Flemming Sørensen is an artist who only uses the uman form in order to
have a piece of reality at hand, which he can disguise, transform or break
Peter Michael Hornung
Jens-Flemming Sørensen, was born in Copenhagen in 1933, he’s a sculptor. He works in Italy, in Pietrasanta (Lucca) and in Usa, in new York.
From 1966 to 1976 he exposed his personal creations in Copenhagen, later in Sweden and again in Denmark. His first personal American exhibitions was in 1980, at «Gallery Brandts America» of New York. From 1983, curated a lot of his personal exhibitions in Denmark, Sweden, France, USA, Swiss and Italy. Sørensen’s creations are exposed in permanent collections of prestigious museums all around the world.