Adilardi (Venice, 1948) has a degree in law with a thesis in ecclesiastical
law. As journalist, he collaborates with the Journal of the Grand Orient of
Italy and directs the six-monthly journal of esoteric studies
"Panarion." He has promoted study conferences in Prato in
collaboration with the Center for the History of Freemasonry in Rome on
"Giuseppe Meoni, Giuseppe Mazzoni" and on the occasion of the
"Twentieth Anniversary of the Savona Meeting" between Grand Master
Giordano Gamberini and Don Rosario F. Esposito. Author of the essays
Un'antica condanna: le origini di un conflitto tra Chiesa Cattolica e
Massoneria (Foggia, 1989) and La chiave massonica per l'interpretazione del
Flauto magico, he was a speaker at the conference on W.A. Mozart held in
Radicondoli on Aug. 1, 1991 at the Convento della Stretta Osservanza.