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Terra incognita

The story of the rediscovery of a lost island and a manuscript describing the world’s most aberrant creatures, both literary and factual

Testi in inglese

11,05 € 13,00
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In the recesses of the deepest cavern on a remote island, lost between the Indo-Malayan archipelago and Australasia, a scientific expedition rediscovers an ancient manuscript, all traces of which had been lost since time immemorial. In it, descriptions of the most awesome beasts and aberrant monsters, that ever existed in reality or human imagination, roamed. The further course of the mission will lead towards a disturbingly undefined epilogue.

Nei recessi della caverna più profonda di un’isola remota, sperduta tra l’arcipelago indo-malese e l’Australasia, una spedizione scientifica riscopre un antico manoscritto, di cui si erano perse le tracce da tempo immemorabile. In esso albergano le descrizioni delle bestie più spaventose e dei mostri più aberranti che siano mai esistiti nella realtà o nell’immaginazione umana. La missione prosegue poi verso un epilogo inquietante quanto indefinito…

In the recesses of the deepest cavern on a remote island, lost between the Indo-Malayan archipelago and Australasia, a scientific expedition rediscovers an ancient manuscript, all traces of which had been lost since time immemorial. In it, descriptions of the most awesome beasts and aberrant monsters, that ever existed in reality or human imagination, roamed. The further course of the mission will lead towards a disturbingly undefined epilogue.

Polistampa, 2024

Pagine: 120

Caratteristiche: ill. b/n, br.

b/w ills, paperback

Formato: 17x24

ISBN: 978-88-596-2468-4


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