The book is an exquisite and highly accessible overview of
all of Leonardo’s paintings, based on the latest expert research and
It is of critical importance to continually examine Da Vinci – this
epoch-defining human being – and the extraordinary artistic output of his
studio from a contemporary point of view. In an era that has become acutely
aware of the biases that history writing inherently possesses, this essay
offers a present-day perspective by offering an updated listing of Leonardo’s paintings
in the light of recent scholarly debates, particularly given the ever improving
technologies and scientific data that are increasingly becoming the benchmark
for the appraisal and investigation of art and culture.
Il volume offre una panoramica esaustiva di tutti i dipinti di Leonardo, basata
sulle ultime ricerche e scoperte. L’opera del genio di Vinci è letta alla luce
dei recenti dibattiti accademici, con particolare riferimento al continuo
miglioramento delle tecnologie e dei dati scientifici, ormai indispensabili per
l’indagine sui capolavori di ogni tempo.
The book is an exquisite and highly accessible overview of
all of Leonardo’s paintings, based on the latest expert research and
It is of critical importance to continually examine Da Vinci
– this epoch-defining human being – and the extraordinary artistic output of
his studio from a contemporary point of view. In an era that has become acutely
aware of the biases that history writing inherently possesses, this essay
offers a present-day perspective by offering an updated listing of Leonardo’s
paintings in the light of recent scholarly debates, particularly given the ever
improving technologies and scientific data that are increasingly becoming the
benchmark for the appraisal and investigation of art and culture.
Polistampa, 2023
Pagine: 166
Caratteristiche: ill. col., tav. apribile, cart.
Formato: 24,5x34,5
ISBN: 978-88-596-2018-1