The volume explores the history of the relations between patrons, intermediaries, and Venetian artists in Vienna and in the domains of the Holy Roman Empire between 1650 and 1750. In that period, there was no break between the performing and figurative arts. Based on the studies of Francis Haskell, it can also be said that patronage in Vienna in the Baroque age was part of a cosmopolitan network in which intermediaries were key players. The twenty-five essays are case studies of these relationships that took place both in the territories of the House of Habsburg and in the imperial fiefs, as well as in the rest of Europe, including some non-Venetian artists.
The volume explores the history of the relations
between patrons, intermediaries, and Venetian artists in Vienna and in the
domains of the Holy Roman Empire between 1650 and 1750. In that period, there
was no break between the performing and figurative arts. Based on the studies
of Francis Haskell, it can also be said that patronage in Vienna in the Baroque
age was part of a cosmopolitan network in which intermediaries were key
players. The twenty-five essays are case studies of these relationships that took
place both in the territories of the House of Habsburg and in the imperial
fiefs, as well as in the rest of Europe, including some non-Venetian artists.
Il volume approfondisce la storia dei rapporti che occorsero fra mecenati,
intermediari e artisti veneziani a Vienna e nei domini del Sacro Romano Impero
tra 1650 e 1750. In tale periodo, non ci fu soluzione di continuità tra arti
performative e figurative. Basandosi sugli studi di Francis Haskell, si può
inoltre affermare che il mecenatismo a Vienna nell’età barocca facesse parte di
una rete cosmopolita in cui gli intermediari furono protagonisti fondamentali.
I venticinque saggi raccolti prendono in esame casi esemplari di queste
relazioni avvenute tanto nei territori della Casa d’Asburgo e nei feudi
imperiali, quanto nel resto d’Europa, anche con artisti non veneziani.
Polistampa, 2022
A cura di:
Pagine: 504
Caratteristiche: ill. b/n, br.
Formato: 17x24
ISBN: 978-88-596-2263-5
Storia dello Spettacolo, 2