Il volume racchiude una serie ricette ideate dallo chef
Antonio Piro nei suoi anni di esperienza con Human Company, gruppo fiorentino
attivo nei settori ricettivo e ristorativo e leader in Italia nel turismo open
Cucinare è un po’ come raccontare una storia, e questo manuale narra una storia
di sapori, ambienti e persone, con un linguaggio semplice e accessibile a tutti
e trasmettendoci tutta la grande passione di un vero maestro della buona
This volume illustrates a series of recipes created by our Chef Antonio Piro during his 10 years with Human Company, a group based in Florence and market leader in open air tourism.
Cooking is a bit like telling a story, and as this book tells its story of tastes, of people and of Tuscan landscapes and dining rooms, enjoy the simple and accessible way in which you can bring Antonio’s ideas to life on your kitchen table.
Cooking is a bit like telling a story, and as this book tells its story of tastes, of people and of Tuscan landscapes and dining rooms, enjoy the simple and accessible way in which you can bring Antonio’s ideas to life on your kitchen table.
Polistampa, 2019
A cura di:
Pagine: 160
Caratteristiche: ill. col., br.
col ills, paperback
Formato: 16,7x24
ISBN: 978-88-596-2045-7