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Onofrio Pepe

Viaggio celeste e terrestre


19,00 € 20,00

Il catalogo della mostra ospitata dal 15 novembre al 10 dicembre 2017 al Museo dell’Opera del Duomo di Firenze riproduce una serie di sculture concepita tra il 2008 e il 2010 come un unicum ispirato all’Antico e al Nuovo Testamento. “L’insieme”, scrive D. Charles Fuchs, “risulta in un sorprendente gruppo corale dove tutti i mezzi a disposizione dell’artista, modellare, dipingere, colorare dimostrano un raro mestiere ed un compito e completo dominio della propria arte”.
Testi di Antonio Paolucci, Francesco Gurrieri, Dominique Charles Fuchs.

The catalog of the exhibition accommodated from 15 November to 10 December 2017 at Museo dell’Opera del Duomo of Florence, reproduces a collection of sculptures developed between 2008 and 2010 as a unicum inspired by Old and New Testament. “In drawing”, as D. Charles Fuchs writes, “on all the means available to him - modeling, painting, the vivid use of colour - the artist gives full and authentic expression to his intuition and inspiration”.

The catalog of the exhibition accommodated from 15 November to 10 December 2017 at Museo dell’Opera del Duomo of Florence, reproduces a collection of sculptures developed between 2008 and 2010 as a unicum inspired by Old and New Testament. “In drawing”, as D. Charles Fuchs writes, “on all the means available to him - modeling, painting, the vivid use of colour - the artist gives full and authentic expression to his intuition and inspiration”.

With texts by Antonio Paolucci, Francesco Gurrieri, Dominique Charles Fuchs.

Polistampa, 2017

Pagine: 96

Caratteristiche: ill. col., cart.

col ills, hardcover

Formato: 24x31

ISBN: 978-88-596-1810-2

