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An introduction to Pontormo

“A great but neglected painter and draftsman of the first part of the 16th century”

Testo in inglese

17,10 € 18,00

L’obiettivo principale dell’autore è rivalutare il ruolo rivestito da Jacopo Pontormo nella storia dell’arte e, più in generale, nel Rinascimento italiano. Le prime sezioni sono dedicate all’analisi del contesto della vita privata e carriera del pittore nella Firenze del sedicesimo secolo; i successivi capitoli delineano lo sviluppo stilistico di Pontormo dal classicismo del Tardo Rinascimento fino alle sue sperimentazioni anticlassiche. An introduction to Pontormo è, inoltre, corredato di una serie di brevi biografie delle 20 opere chiave del Pontormo che evidenziano tale sviluppo.

The author’s main purpose is to re-evaluate and recognize the contribution of Jacopo Pontormo within the history of art and, more specifically, Italian Renaissance. While the first sections provide the context of his personal life and career as the pre-eminent painter in mid-sixteenth century Florence, further chapters trace Pontormo’s stylistic development from High Renaissance classicism through his anti-classical explorations. An introduction to Pontormo also provides a series of brief biographies of Pontormo’s 20 key paintings which support this development.

The Author’s main purpose is to re-evaluate and recognize the contribution of Jacopo Pontormo within the history of art and, more specifically, Italian Renaissance. While the first sections provide the context of his personal life and career as the pre-eminent painter in mid-sixteenth century Florence, further chapters trace Pontormo’s stylistic development from High Renaissance classicism through his anti-classical explorations. An introduction to Pontormo also provides a series of brief biographies of Pontormo’s 20 key paintings which support this development.

Mauro Pagliai, 2017

Pagine: 176

Caratteristiche: ill. b/n., 16 tavv. col. f.t., br.

b/w ills, 16 col plates out of text, paperback

Formato: 15x21

ISBN: 978-88-564-0373-2

Storie del mondo, 32



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