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Le città non vogliono morire / The cities do not want to die

Testi in italiano e in inglese

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Il 2 ottobre 1955 a Firenze Giorgio La Pira con l’appassionato discorso Le città non possono morire apriva i lavori del Convegno dei Sindaci delle Città Capitali. Il sindaco di Firenze intendeva così lanciare da Firenze, nel clima della guerra fredda tra Stati Uniti ed Unione Sovietica, un appello per la pace attraverso la firma di una dichiarazione da parte di sindaci di città di tutto il mondo: le città attraverso i loro massimi responsabili rivendicavano il loro diritto all’esistenza e alla crescita materiale, culturale e spirituale. I sindaci di Washington e di Mosca, di Roma e di Pechino dichiaravano che i governi degli Stati nazionali non avevano più diritto di bombardare le città. Nel clima di contrapposizione che caratterizzava quel periodo storico e di fronte al pericolo che in pochi secondi una guerra nucleare ponesse termine a secoli di storia, civiltà e tradizioni, risuonò forte il messaggio del convegno di Firenze: “le città non possono morire”. Oggi come allora il motto di La Pira “unire le città per unire le nazioni” può indicare la strada a chi ha a cuore la pace.

On 2nd October 1955, in Florence, Giorgio La Pira introduced passionately the issues in the conference of the Mayors of the Capital Cities. In that way, the florentine Mayor, during the period of the Cold War between USA and URSS, meant to call an invocation for the peace from his city, thanks to a signature in a Declaration of all the Mayors of the world: the cities, through their top supervisors, claimed their existences and their material, cultural and spiritual growth. The Mayors of Moscow, Washington, Rome and Beijing declared that the governments of the National States couldn’t drop their bombs any longer. In the contrasted atmosphere of that period and considering the danger that a nuclear war could cause in few seconds for centuries of history, civilization and traditions, the message of Florentine Conference was very effective: “the cities cannot die”. Today as yesterday La Pira’s motto, “connect cities to connect nations” can show the path to those who care for peace.

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On 2nd October 1955, in Florence, Giorgio La Pira introduced passionately the issues in the conference of the Mayors of the Capital Cities. In that way, the florentine Mayor, during the period of the Cold War between USA and URSS, meant to call an invocation for the peace from his city, thanks to a signature in a Declaration of all the Mayors of the world: the cities, through their top supervisors, claimed their existences and their material, cultural and spiritual growth. The Mayors of Moscow, Washington, Rome and Beijing declared that the governments of the National States couldn’t drop their bombs any longer. In the contrasted atmosphere of that period and considering the danger that a nuclear war could cause in few seconds for centuries of history, civilization and traditions, the message of Florentine Conference was very effective: “the cities cannot die”. Today as yesterday La Pira’s motto, “connect cities to connect nations” can show the path to those who care for peace.

PDF format

Polistampa, 2015

A cura di:

Pagine: 208

Caratteristiche: br.


Formato: 14x21

ISBN: 978-88-596-1560-6

I Libri della Badia, 21
