Il libro presenta una straordinaria collezione di sedie dal XV al XVIII secolo, accompagnata da un’introduzione in cui l’autrice offre una panoramica sulla storia della sedia a partire dai tempi antichi.
“La sedia”, scrive Helen Fioratti , “ha avuto una lunga e complessa storia nella civiltà occidentale. Dove ci si siede può essere di estrema importanza : che sia in un dibattito politico, un vertice tra i capi di stato, o anche a una cena o un matrimonio, le persone sono ossessionate dalle modalità e dalle implicazioni della disposizione dei posti a sedere. Il posto dove una persona è seduta può conferire visibilità e prestigio, ma anche il contrario. E così, la sedia è tuttora centrale per la nostra società”.
The book shows an outstanding collection of chairs from the 15th to the 18th century, accompanied by an introduction in which the author provides an overview of the history of the chair since ancient times until today.
“The chair”, as Helen Fioratti writes, “has had a long and complex history in western civilization. Where one is seated can be of the utmost importance. Be it at a political debate, a summit between heads of state, or even at a dinner party or wedding, people become obsessed with the arrangements and the implications of the seating plan. Where one is seated can confer visibility and prestige, or the opposite. And so, the chair in which one is seated is central to our society even now”.
The book shows an outstanding collection of chairs from the 15th to the 18th century, accompanied by an introduction in which the author provides an overview of the history of the chair since ancient times until today.
“The chair”, as Helen Fioratti writes, “has had a long and complex history in western civilization. Where one is seated can be of the utmost importance. Be it at a political debate, a summit between heads of state, or even at a dinner party or wedding, people become obsessed with the arrangements and the implications of the seating plan. Where one is seated can confer visibility and prestige, or the opposite. And so, the chair in which one is seated is central to our society even now”.
Polistampa, 2015
Pagine: 64
Caratteristiche: ill. col., br.
Formato: 17x24
ISBN: 978-88-596-1526-2