“C’era un volta un piccolo villaggio in una valle attraversata da un ruscello con pesci colorati, circondato dal bosco abitato da simpatici animali…” Inizia così una favola insolita e sorprendente, racchiusa nelle pagine di un libro dove le bellissime illustrazioni e le didascalie permetteranno ai bambini di imparare l’inglese divertendosi.
Illustrazioni di Chiara Capitani.
“Once upon a time, in a little village there was a valley with a little river which was home to many fishes. Nearby were white houses surrounded by little nice animals…” This is a fable for kids of Kindergarten age and the first two years of the primary school. The sentences are accompanied by simple pictures so that they can be easily understood.
Illustrations by Chiara Capitani.
“Once upon a time, in a little village there was a valley with a little river which was home to many fishes. Nearby were white houses surrounded by little nice animals…” This is a fable for kids of Kindergarten age and the first two years of the primary school. The sentences are accompanied by simple pictures so that they can be easily understood.
Illustrations by Chiara Capitani.
Sarnus, 2013
Pagine: 32
Caratteristiche: ill. col., br.
Formato: 12x17
ISBN: 978-88-563-0137-3
Children’s corner, 25