Questo libro rappresenta il culmine di anni di duro lavoro e intensa passione. Celebra l’amore per la bellezza, come dimostra la raccolta presentata nel volume. Le opere catalogate rappresentano circa un quinto dell’intera collezione “Italian Old Master” di Alana. È il risultato di un’attenta ricerca e un intenso lavoro, di molte visite in diversi paesi e città per vedere i lavori originali, visitare le fiere e sentire i pareri degli esperti. La collezione copre il periodo che va dal Gotico Italiano fino al tardo Rinascimento. L’obiettivo di Alana è sempre stato quello di creare una collazione che non consideri solo i grandi maestri, ma anche coloro che seguirono i loro passi e aggiunsero il loro contributo ai successi dei protagonisti. L’ambizione di Alana è stata quella di tracciare la storia e l’evoluzione delle differenti scuole italiane, il modo in cui si ispirarono l’un l’altra creando così opere d’arte di incommensurabile valore. Per fare questo, la collezione è stata concepita come in perenne evoluzione, perché possa continuare a crescere, migliorare e accogliere nuove opere.
Nell’opera viene fornita la storia privata e artistica di ogni lavoro, così come ricche riproduzioni visive, informazioni base e spiegazioni tecniche sia dei capolavori (quelli a colore) che delle opere rilevanti per lo stile o il periodo (quelle in bianco e nero). Il volume si conclude con delle tavole che specificano il nome e il luogo dei lavori menzionati nel libro e una ricca bibliografia.
Testi a cura di Miklos Boskovits, Laura Cavazzini, Sonia Chiodo, Aldo Galli, Ada Labriola, Francesca Pasut.
This book represents the culmination of years of hard work and intense passion. It celebrates the love of beauty as it is manifested in the art collection introduced in the volume. The works catalogued encompass around one fifth of Alana’s entire Italian Old Master collection. It is the product of work and research, of numerous visits to different countries and cities in order to see the original works of art, visit art fairs, and seek the advice of a variety of specialists. The collection covers the period that goes from Italian Gothic to Italian High Renaissance art. Alana’s aim has always been to build a collection that considers not only the great masters, but also those who followed in their footsteps and added their personal contributions alongside the achievements of the major figures. Alana’s ambition has been to chart the history and evolution of the different Italian schools, the ways in which they inspired one another, and ultimately created so many distinctively beautiful works of art. In order to do this, this collection has been conceived as a living one, which continues to improve, evolve and welcome new works.
A private and artistic history of each master is given, as well as rich visual reproductions, basic information, and a thorough technical explanation of both the most important masterpieces (those in color) and the ones that are relevant to the style or period (those in black and white). The volume concludes with a table noting the names and locations of the works mentioned in the book, as well as an extensive bibliography.
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This book represents the culmination of years of hard work and intense passion. It celebrates the love of beauty as it is manifested in the art collection introduced in the volume. The works catalogued encompass around one fifth of Alana’s entire Italian Old Master collection. It is the product of work and research, of numerous visits to different countries and cities in order to see the original works of art, visit art fairs, and seek the advice of a variety of specialists. The collection covers the period that goes from Italian Gothic to Italian High Renaissance art. Alana’s aim has always been to build a collection that considers not only the great masters, but also those who followed in their footsteps and added their personal contributions alongside the achievements of the major figures. Alana’s ambition has been to chart the history and evolution of the different Italian schools, the ways in which they inspired one another, and ultimately created so many distinctively beautiful works of art. In order to do this, this collection has been conceived as a living one, which continues to improve, evolve and welcome new works.
A private and artistic history of each master is given, as well as rich visual reproductions, basic information, and a thorough technical explanation of both the most important masterpieces (those in color) and the ones that are relevant to the style or period (those in black and white). The volume concludes with a table noting the names and locations of the works mentioned in the book, as well as an extensive bibliography.
Texts by Miklos Boskovits, Laura Cavazzini, Sonia Chiodo, Aldo Galli, Ada Labriola, Francesca Pasut.
PDF format
Polistampa, 2009
A cura di:
Pagine: 272
Caratteristiche: ill. col., cart.
Formato: 24X31
ISBN: 978-88-596-0529-4
The Alana Collection | Newark, Delaware, USA, 1