L’obiettivo strategico del Masterplan del Parco Nazionale Tecnologico e Archeologico delle Colline metallifere grossetane ha ben pochi precedenti, in quanto l’idea-progetto è orientata non tanto alla conservazione di qualche testimonianza isolata, quanto alla valorizzazione di un vasto territorio investito da una plurisecolare attività mineraria e metallurgica. La salvaguardia si estende quindi a un insieme variegato di oggetti: luoghi di estrazione e di fusione, cave, strutture insediative, impianti di trasporto e di stoccaggio, depositi di scorie, ecc. Attraverso la ricognizione a largo raggio delle testimonianze minerarie e metallurgiche delle Colline emergono tutte le caratteristiche di originalità e di innovazione del Parco Tecnologico e Archeologico istituito nel 2002. Innanzitutto il suo carattere politematico legato a un’offerta molteplice di elementi di richiamo, che spaziano dall’archeologia etrusca e medievale, all’archeologia industriale, al patrimonio naturalistico e ambientale, al patrimonio storico-architettonico e al paesaggio. Il Masterplan intende conseguire obiettivi sia culturali che economici: pur restando la tutela patrimoniale un obiettivo irrinunciabile, esplora le possibili occasioni di sviluppo attraverso interventi innovativi di valorizzazione e riuso del patrimonio.
Progetto di Massimo Preite, Riccardo Francovich
Scritti di Andrea Bardi, Leonardo Brogioni, Hubert Corsi, Luisa Dallai, Alessandro Fabbrizzi, Gabriella Maciocco, Sabrina Martinozzi, Massimo Preite, Giampaolo Romagnoli
The strategic objective of the Masterplan of the National Technological and Archeological Park of the Colline Metallifere has very few precedents, insofar as the conceptual project is geared not so much towards the conservation of a few isolated remains, but to the development and promotion of a large-scale area, with a history of mining and metal-working spanning many centuries. Thus, conservation is extended to an assortment of many different objects: extraction and smelting sites, quarries, inhabited sites, transportation and storage facilities, slag heaps etc. From wide-ranging surveys of mining and metallurgical remains in the Colline area, there emerge all the features of originality and innovation of the Technological and Archeological Park, which was set up in 2002. First, its interdisciplinary nature, linked to a multiple supply of attractive elements, ranging from Etruscan and medieval archeology to industrial archeology, the natural and environmental heritage, the historical and architectural heritage and the landscape. It was drawn up as a tool designed to achieve both cultural and economic goals. While heritage protection remains an inalienable objective, the Masterplan does not hesitate to explore the opportunities for development, via innovative enhancement and reuse of the industrial heritage.
Project by Massimo Preite, Riccardo Francovich
Contributors Andrea Bardi, Leonardo Brogioni, Hubert Corsi, Luisa Dallai, Alessandro Fabbrizzi, Gabriella Maciocco, Sabrina Martinozzi, Massimo Preite, Giampaolo Romagnoli
The strategic objective of the Masterplan of the National Technological and Archeological Park of the Colline Metallifere has very few precedents, insofar as the conceptual project is geared not so much towards the conservation of a few isolated remains, but to the development and promotion of a large-scale area, with a history of mining and metal-working spanning many centuries. Thus, conservation is extended to an assortment of many different objects: extraction and smelting sites, quarries, inhabited sites, transportation and storage facilities, slag heaps etc. From wide-ranging surveys of mining and metallurgical remains in the Colline area, there emerge all the features of originality and innovation of the Technological and Archeological Park, which was set up in 2002. First, its interdisciplinary nature, linked to a multiple supply of attractive elements, ranging from Etruscan and medieval archeology to industrial archeology, the natural and environmental heritage, the historical and architectural heritage and the landscape. It was drawn up as a tool designed to achieve both cultural and economic goals. While heritage protection remains an inalienable objective, the Masterplan does not hesitate to explore the opportunities for development, via innovative enhancement and reuse of the industrial heritage.
Project by Massimo Preite, Riccardo Francovich
Contributors Andrea Bardi, Leonardo Brogioni, Hubert Corsi, Luisa Dallai, Alessandro Fabbrizzi, Gabriella Maciocco, Sabrina Martinozzi, Massimo Preite, Giampaolo Romagnoli
Polistampa, 2009
A cura di:
Pagine: 200
Caratteristiche: ill. b/n e col., br.
Formato: 30x29
ISBN: 978-88-596-0332-0