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Social Help and Housing Activities


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Sono lieto di dare il benvenuto alla 20esima Annual General Assembly (AGA) and Conference of the European Foundation Centre (EFC) a questo importante incontro da parte dell’ Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze e da parte mia. Il tema di quest’anno Fighting Poverty. Creating Opportunities (Combattere la povertà. Creare Opportunità) è un argomento di grande interesse che include non solo quelle parti del mondo tradizionalmente considerate povere, ma anche le più economicamente avanzate. La crisi internazionale che stiamo attraversando ci aiuta a sviluppare una maggiore consapevolezza dei problemi che sono presenti anche nel nostro paese. Firenze, una città universalmente conosciuta per la sua arte e cultura, è essa stessa impegnata a combattere vecchie e nuove forme di povertà che si trovano nella nostra città e nelle aree circostanti. Comunque, fortunatamente, a Firenze abbiamo una lunga tradizione di solidarietà che trova origine nelle antiche confraternite, sia laiche che religiose, incaricate di prendersi cura dei vicini. L’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, che nasce dalla antica banca fondata nel 1829, ha ereditato questa tradizione e uno dei suoi obiettivi è proprio quello di supportare le attività socio-caritevoli. Voglio esprimere i miei migliori auguri per la 20esima Annual General Assembly (AGA) and Conference of the European Foundation Centre (EFC) per il successo dell’incontro.

Michele Gremigni
Presidente dell’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

I am pleased to welcome the 20th Annual General Assembly (AGA) and Conference of the European Foundation Centre (EFC) to this important meeting on behalf of the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (Foundation of Florence) at large and myself. This year’s theme Fighting Poverty. Creating Opportunities is a subject of great interest that concerns not only the parts of the world traditionally considered poor but also the most economically advanced ones. The international crisis that we are passing through is helping us to develop greater awareness of the problems that are also present in our own country. Florence, a city universally known for its culture and art, is itself engaged in facing the old and new forms of poverty that are also found in our city and the surrounding area. However, fortunately, we have in Florence a long-standing tradition of solidarity that dates to the ancient confraternities, both lay and religious, committed to taking care of their neighbours. The Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (Foundation of Florence), which originated from the old bank founded in 1829, has inherited this tradition and one of its objectives is to support socio-charitable activities. I would like to express my best wishes to the 20th Annual General Assembly (AGA) and Conference of the European Foundation Centre (EFC) for a very successful meeting.

Michele Gremigni
President of the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (Foundation of Florence)

Centre (EFC) to this important meeting on behalf of the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (Foundation of Florence) at large and myself. This year’s theme Fighting Poverty. Creating Opportunities is a subject of great interest that concerns not only the parts of the world traditionally considered poor but also the most economically advanced ones. The international crisis that we are passing through is helping us to develop greater awareness of the problems that are also present in our own country. Florence, a city universally known for its culture and art, is itself engaged in facing the old and new forms of poverty that are also found in our city and the surrounding area. However, fortunately, we have in Florence a long-standing tradition of solidarity that dates to the ancient confraternities, both lay and religious, committed to taking care of their neighbours. The Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (Foundation of Florence), which originated from the old bank founded in 1829, has inherited this tradition and one of its objectives is to support socio-charitable activities. I would like to express my best wishes to the 20th Annual General Assembly (AGA) and Conference of the European Foundation Centre (EFC) for a very successful meeting.

Michele Gremigni
President of the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (Foundation of Florence)

Polistampa, 2009

Pagine: 32

Caratteristiche: ill. col., br.

col ills, paperback

Formato: 16,5x24

