Il volume traccia le linee guida per una visione completa del “sistema Poggio Casciano” che giace sulla parte alta del territorio del comune di Bagno a Ripoli, a sud di Firenze. Da un lato la storia della villa e delle famiglie che la abitarono, dall’altro l’accurato studio scientifico delle varie particelle di proprietà, uno studio non prettamente teorico ma continuamente declinato e sviluppato a partire da esperimenti e ricerche condotti sul posto. Fra questi, le caratteristiche microclimatiche (dalle gelate all’umidità e ai picchi di calore), nonché le peculiarità morfologiche (pendenze, esposizioni dei terreni), lo studio dei vari tipi di suolo (dalle marne alle arenarie), la loro capacità di trattenere e restituire l’acqua, fino alle risposte e ai rischi di patologie (insetti, parassiti, fungini ecc.) mostrate dai vitigni e dalle uve poi vinificate nelle cantine di proprietà, munite delle più moderne tecnologie. Scopo del lavoro è l’analisi del complesso sistema agronomico e storicoambientale di Poggio Casciano, per conoscere le migliori interazioni fra coltura, clima e suolo e per garantire una corretta gestione dei vigneti in termini di ecosostenibilità e qualità del prodotto. Una sezione fotografica con scatti anche aerei e panoramici descrive la meravigliosa tenuta, i vigneti e gli uliveti, la villa coi suoi magnifici giardini, la cantina.
Testi in italiano e inglese di: Samuele Caciagli, Stefano Guelfi Camaiani, Mauro E.M. D’Arcangelo, Anna Dalla Marta, Paolo Folonari, Ugo Galligani, Francesco Gurrieri, Marco Mancini, Simone Orlandini, Stefano Pinzauti, Paolo Storchi.
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The book traces the guidelines that enable us to get an overall picture of the Poggio Casciano system: the history of the villa and the families that lived there, and an accurate scientific study of the various estate plots – not a detached theoretical study but one constantly in touch with the experiments and researches. Among these, microclimatic features (from frosts to humidity and temperature peaks), as well as morphological peculiarities (slopes, terrain, exposure), the study of soil types, their water retention and restitution capacity, and the performance – as well as blight risks (insects, mould, etc.) – of vineyards and grapes then vintaged in our wine cellars equipped with the most modern technology. The purpose of this work is to analyse Poggio Casciano’s complex system in order to identify the optimal interactions between cultivation, climate and soil for guaranteeing proper management of the vineyards vis-à-vis their eco-sustainability and product quality. An extensive photographic section with air and panoramic shots documents every single place: the estate vineyards and olive groves, the villa and its gardens, the cellar.
Italian and English texts by: Samuele Caciagli, Stefano Guelfi Camaiani, Mauro E.M. D’Arcangelo, Anna Dalla Marta, Paolo Folonari, Ugo Galligani, Francesco Gurrieri, Marco Mancini, Simone Orlandini, Stefano Pinzauti, Paolo Storchi.
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The book traces the guidelines that enable us to get an overall picture of the Poggio Casciano system: the history of the villa and the families that lived there, and an accurate scientific study of the various estate plots – not a detached theoretical study but one constantly in touch with the experiments and researches. Among these, microclimatic features (from frosts to humidity and temperature peaks), as well as morphological peculiarities (slopes, terrain, exposure), the study of soil types, their water retention and restitution capacity, and the performance – as well as blight risks (insects, mould, etc.) – of vineyards and grapes then vintaged in our wine cellars equipped with the most modern technology. The purpose of this work is to analyse Poggio Casciano’s complex system in order to identify the optimal interactions between cultivation, climate and soil for guaranteeing proper management of the vineyards vis-à-vis their eco-sustainability and product quality. An extensive photographic section with air and panoramic shots documents every single place: the estate vineyards and olive groves, the villa and its gardens, the cellar.
Italian and English texts by: Samuele Caciagli, Stefano Guelfi Camaiani, Mauro E.M. D’Arcangelo, Anna Dalla Marta, Paolo Folonari, Ugo Galligani, Francesco Gurrieri, Marco Mancini, Simone Orlandini, Stefano Pinzauti, Paolo Storchi.
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Polistampa, 2009
A cura di:
Pagine: 240
Caratteristiche: ill. col., cart.
Formato: 24X31
ISBN: 978-88-596-0673-4