Questo volume raccoglie gli atti del convegno di studi dedicato a I luoghi del sacro organizzato da Georgetown University e dal Center for the Study of Italian History and Culture tra il 12 e il 13 giugno del 2006. In questa occasione un gruppo di studiosi provenienti da varie parti d’Europa e degli Stati Uniti ha discusso i rapporti tra città e sacro nel periodo compreso fra Medioevo ed Età moderna e ha preso in esame la sacralità in tutte le sue forme, soprattutto in rapporto con la ritualità. Il volume si accosta alla dimensione simbolica dello spazio urbano e alla sua intrinseca funzione sociale, religiosa e politica, seguendo il contesto geo-politico italiano e ponendo in correlazione situazioni diverse per approdare a quel comparativismo finora negletto a favore dell’indagine delle singole realtà. Questo studio analizza lo spazio come rappresentazione collettiva e come sistema segnico attraverso il quale si conferisce significato ad un ambiente, coerenza ad un ordine sociale e validità ad un sistema di valori, imponendo un confronto non marginale con questioni di natura epistemologica e metodologica, mettendo inoltre a punto idonei strumenti interpretativi.
This volume collects the proceedings of the Conference of studios dedicated to I luoghi del Sacro organized by Georgetown University and by the Study of Italian History and Culture between 12 and 13 June 2006. On this occasion some scholars coming from various countries in Europe and USA, have discussed the relationship between the city and the sacred in the period between the Middle Age and early modern period and they have examined the sacred in all its forms, especially in connection with the ritual. The volume approaches the symbolic dimension of urban space and its inherent social, religious and political function, following the Italian geo-political context and by correlation of different situations to arrive at that so far neglected in favour of comparativism investigation of individual companies. This study analyzes the space as collective representation through which we give meaning to the ambient, consistency to a social order and validity to a system of values, by imposing a comparison with issues of methodological and epistemological nature, by creating appropriate means of interpretation.
This volume collects the proceedings of the Conference of studios dedicated to I luoghi del Sacro organized by Georgetown University and by the Study of Italian History and Culture between 12 and 13 June 2006. On this occasion some scholars coming from various countries in Europe and USA, have discussed the relationship between the city and the sacred in the period between the Middle Age and early modern period and they have examined the sacred in all its forms, especially in connection with the ritual. The volume approaches the symbolic dimension of urban space and its inherent social, religious and political function, following the Italian geo-political context and by correlation of different situations to arrive at that so far neglected in favour of comparativism investigation of individual companies. This study analyzes the space as collective representation through which we give meaning to the ambient, consistency to a social order and validity to a system of values, by imposing a comparison with issues of methodological and epistemological nature, by creating appropriate means of interpretation.
Mauro Pagliai, 2008
A cura di:
Pagine: 280
Caratteristiche: ill. b/n, br.
Formato: 17X24
ISBN: 978-88-564-0039-7
Testata: Italian History and Culture