Catalogo dell’omonima mostra (Firenze, Sala d’Arme di Palazzo Vecchio, 4 novembre 2006 - 7 gennaio 2007), il volume riproduce, suddividendole nelle sezioni Devastazione, Recupero e Restauro, 43 istantanee in b/n e a colori scattate per la rivista «Life» da David Lees durante l’alluvione fiorentina del 1966.
Il fotografo visse quasi tutta la sua vita in Italia e in particolare a Firenze, dove era nato, difatti si sentiva più fiorentino che inglese e lo dimostrò in modo toccante con la sua cronaca dell’alluvione. Sebbene malato, corse da Pisa su un elicottero militare per registrare l’incredibile dramma tanto che più tardi scrisse: “Firenze è la mia città, e sotto la melma di quell’alluvione c’è un gran pezzo del mio cuore”.
Testi di Leonardo Domenici, John F. Street, Edward M. Kennedy, Joyce Acciaioli Rudge, Barbara Baker Burrows, Russell Burrows, Giorgio Bonsanti, Dorothy Seiberling, Debra Simon, Gabriello Mancini e Luciano Buscaglione.
… Quegli scatti, dietro ai quali traspare la sensibilità dell’artista, ancora sorprendono e suscitano emozioni che pensavamo ormai risolte, offrendoci, nella desolante descrizione del disastro anche il volto di una città che seppe organizzarsi per restituire a Firenze la sua originaria bellezza. (Leonardo Domenici, Sindaco di Firenze)
Catalog of the homonymous exhibition (Florence, Sala d’Arme of Palazzo Vecchio, 4 November 2006 - 7 January 2007), the volume reproduces, by dividing them into sections Devastazione, Recupero and Restauro, 43 b/w snapshots taken for «Life» magazine by david Lees during the Florentine great flood in 1966.
The photographer lived most of his life in Italy and in particular in Florence, where he was born, in fact he felt more Florentine than English and he showed that by relating his great flood reportage. Although he as ill, he ran from Pisa with a military helicopter to record the incredible drama.
Catalog of the homonymous exhibition (Florence, Sala d’Arme of Palazzo Vecchio, 4 November 2006 - 7 January 2007), the volume reproduces, by dividing them into sections Devastazione, Recupero e Restauro, 43 b/w snapshots taken for «Life» magazine by david Lees during the Florentine great flood in 1966.
The photographer lived most of his life in Italy and in particular in Florence, where he was born, in fact he felt more Florentine than English and he showed that by relating his great flood reportage. Although he as ill, he ran from Pisa with a military helicopter to record the incredible drama.
Texts by Leonardo Domenici, John F. Street, Edward M. Kennedy, Joyce Acciaioli Rudge, Barbara Baker Burrows, Russell Burrows, Giorgio Bonsanti, Dorothy Seiberling, Debra Simon, Gabriello Mancini e Luciano Buscaglione.
… These photographs, which also reveal the artist’s sensibility, still amaze and stir up emotions supposed to have been overcome by now. Hence they offer us, in the distressing reportage of the disaster, also the Florentines’ reaction who managed to pull themselves together in order to return Florence to its original beauty. (Leonardo Domenici, Mayor of Florence).
PDF format
Polistampa, 2006
Pagine: 80
Caratteristiche: ill. b/n e col., br.
Formato: 17x24
ISBN: 978-88-596-0124-1