Dai 5 ai 22 anni Natalia Strozzi ha seguito la sua vocazione per la danza, esibendosi in tutto il mondo. Ha ballato per alcuni anni anche al teatro Kirov-Marinskij di San Pietroburgo e ha lavorato con grandi personalità, fra cui Rudolf Nureyev. Si è esibita in molte trasmissioni televisive anche come pianista.
“Durante questi anni – racconta – ho vissuto tante esperienze uniche, con grandi personaggi del balletto, del cinema, della musica e della politica. Mi sarebbe dispiaciuto vederle scomparire nel nulla, perciò ho scritto queste memorie”.
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Florentine actress, writer and producer of wine, Natalia Guicciardini Strozzi was recently confirmed as a descendant of Mona Lisa. She is the daughter of Prince Girolamo Guicciardini Strozzi and Irina Reine. Her autobiography, Facile da ricordare [Easy to remember], was a best-seller in Russia. Her personal stories are crowded with celebrities, from Gregory Peck to Alberto Sordi, Amintore Fanfani, Andrea Bocelli, Tony Blair and Nureyev, who gave her, as a present, his first pair of dancing shoes. Trained as a ballerina, she is a dance and cinematographic art lover. Her book is partly historical and partly autobiographical. Many of her family stories are also quite interesting from a cultural point of view. Michelangelo, for example, gave drawing lessons to Luisa Strozzi, one of her ancestors. They were quite good friends and he also attended her wedding. In the volume, there is also a picture of the Strozzi and Guicciardini’s family tree which demonstrates that they were the main ancestors of Winston Churchill. The autobiographical part of the book recounts Natalia’s experiences as a child, her encounters with many important celebrities and how was her life as a very young ballerina in Russia. She describes her relationships with the people she had the incredible luck to meet and tells also how truly these famous and extraordinary people touched her life.
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Polistampa, 2005
Pagine: 216
Caratteristiche: ill. col., br.
Formato: 17x24
ISBN: 978-88-8304-963-7