Il volume è il catalogo delle installazioni esposte da Sandro Chia a Firenze, in Palazzo Pitti, piazza SS. Annunziata e al Museo Archeologico. Come scrive Achille Bonito Oliva nella sua lettera all’artista, Sandro Chia è riuscito a instaurare un dialogo sincero e inedito col passato, ha “allargato la famiglia dell’arte senza limiti di spazio e di tempo”.
“Lo scenario che accoglie la tua mostra è filologico, affermazione del vero e del falso, simulazione, artificio e contraffazione della Storia che però trova ora autenticità nel paternale accoglimento che tu ne fai attraverso la coesistenza pacifica delle tue immagini e di quelle del passato”. (Achille Bonito Oliva)
Scritti di Antonio Paolucci, Sandro Chia, Achille Bonito Oliva.
Testi in italiano e in inglese.
The volume is the catalog of the installations exhibited by Sandro Chia in Florence, (Pitti Palace, Square SS. Annunziata, The Archaeological Museum). As Achille Bonito Oliva points out in his letter to the artist, Sandro Chia has managed to establish an original and sincere dialogue with the past, he has “enlarged the family of art without space and time limits”.
“The scene that hosts your exhibition is made of logical seams, affirmations of truth and falsity, simulation, artifice and imitation of history that now however finds authenticity in the pacifism of your images and the ones from the past”. (Achille Bonito Oliva)
Critical contributions by Antonio Paolucci, Sandro Chia, Achille Bonito Oliva.
Italian and English texts
The volume is the catalog of the installations exhibited by Sandro Chia in Florence, (Pitti Palace, Square SS. Annunziata, The Archaeological Museum). As Achille Bonito Oliva points out in his letter to the artist, Sandro Chia has managed to establish an original and sincere dialogue with the past, he has “enlarged the family of art without space and time limits”.
“The scene that hosts your exhibition is made of logical seams, affirmations of truth and falsity, simulation, artifice and imitation of history that now however finds authenticity in the pacifism of your images and the ones from the past”. (Achille Bonito Oliva)
Critical contributions by Antonio Paolucci, Sandro Chia, Achille Bonito Oliva.
Italian and English texts
Mauro Pagliai, 2002
Pagine: 40
Caratteristiche: ill. b/n e col., br.
Formato: 24x31
ISBN: 978-88-8304-447-2