“La guida è il risultato della cooperazione tra le biblioteche pubbliche di diversi paesi europei sotto il programma Socrates Educazione Adulta promosso dalla Commissione Europea. Da un’analisi iniziale dei loro rispettivi contesti operativi, i partner hanno realizzato che fosse necessario iniziare un processo di trasformazione per adattare l’offerta delle biblioteche pubbliche ai diversi bisogni del pubblico in una società in mutamento: in particolare, agevolando l’accesso alla lettura, a informazioni e all’orientamento professionale e servizi di formazione per coloro che provengono da fasce disagiate. Questo può essere realizzato consolidando il ruolo delle biblioteche come centro di informazione e lettura per l’educazione degli adulti” (Simona Bandino, Eros Cruccolini).
“This guide is the result of the cooperation between public libraries of different European countries under the Socrates programme Adult education promoted by the European Commission. From an initial analysis of their respective contexts of operation, the partners came to the realisation that it was necessary to initiate a process of transformation to adapt the offer of the public library to the diversified needs of the public in a changing society: in particular, by fostering access to reading, information and job guidance and training services for people who are disadvantage in society. This could be achieved by consolidating the role of the library as a centre for information and reading in relation to adult education” (Simona Bandino, Eros Cruccolini).
“This guide is the result of the cooperation between public libraries of different European countries under the Socrates programme Adult education promoted by the European Commission. From an initial analysis of their respective contexts of operation, the partners came to the realisation that it was necessary to initiate a process of transformation to adapt the offer of the public library to the diversified needs of the public in a changing society: in particular, by fostering access to reading, information and job guidance and training services for people who are disadvantage in society. This could be achieved by consolidating the role of the library as a centre for information and reading in relation to adult education” (Simona Bandino, Eros Cruccolini).
Polistampa, 2000
A cura di:
Pagine: 196
Caratteristiche: br.
Formato: 17x24
ISBN: 978-88-8304-171-6