Il nostro obiettivo era ed è abbattere le biblioteche “inutili” per crearne di nuove che puntino alla circolazione, e non alla conservazione, dei libri, le biblioteche devono essere per tutti. Il bisogno nasce dal ripensamento dello spazio e dalla sperimentazione di differenti metodi di portare i libri al di fuori delle premesse istituzionali, “fuori dalle mura delle biblioteche”, e così fuori dalle stesse biblioteche.
L’incontro tra i partners europei permette alle biblioteche di aprire nuovi orizzonti e attraversare i confini nazionali, incoraggiando uno scambio di esperienze e informazioni sulle loro diverse realtà, in direzione di un’integrazione europea. Questo progetto non sarebbe mai esistito e questo libro non sarebbe mai stato scritto senza l’unità del Work Group e l’impegno verso la cooperazione.
Our aim is and has been to knock down “useless” libraries and to create libraries for the circulation, and not conservation, of books, libraries that must be for everybody and that, to thoroughly be such, must move, as much as possible, towards everybody. The need rose to rethink the library space and to experiment with different methods of bringing the book out of the istitutional premises, “out of the library’s walls”, and thus the library outside itself.
The meeting among the European partners allowed the libraries to open new horizons and cross national borders, encouraging exchange of experiences and information on their different realities, in the direction of the European integration. The project would never had existed and this book would never had been written without the Work Group’s unity and commitment to cooperate.
Our aim is and has been to knock down “useless” libraries and to create libraries for the circulation, and not conservation, of books, libraries that must be for everybody and that, to thoroughly be such, must move, as much as possible, towards everybody. The need rose to rethink the library space and to experiment with different methods of bringing the book out of the istitutional premises, “out of the library’s walls”, and thus the library outside itself.
The meeting among the European partners allowed the libraries to open new horizons and cross national borders, encouraging exchange of experiences and information on their different realities, in the direction of the European integration. The project would never had existed and this book would never had been written without the Work Group’s unity and commitment to cooperate.
Polistampa, 1998
A cura di:
Pagine: 184
Caratteristiche: br.
Formato: 17x24
ISBN: 88-8304-048-1