Donatella Bindi
Mondaini, Florentinem graduated in Letters with a thesis on Medieval History, she
is an established children's writer, her books are traduced in several
different languages and have won much awards. She also dedicated herself to the
study of ladine history and culture, an interest born with her vivid passion
about mountains. Along with the works of fiction and research, the author has
published two collections of poetry and two humoristic books, one of which she
illustrated herself. Publications: Un filo nel tempo (1977), Il prato
arancione (1990), Gente di Val Badia (1991), L’albero buio (1992), Se d’amore
(1992), Olinto story (1993), L’isola dei mulini (1993), I costumi della Val
Gardena (1995), Gente di Val Gardena (1996), Un coniglio nel cappello (1996), Il
tempo della pietra (1997), Il segreto del lago (1998), Il brigante e margherita