Dopo dieci anni di studio al Poggio Imperiale di Firenze, Giovanna Giubelli si laurea in Lingue Straniere all’Università di Firenze e si specializza su Dylan Thomas ed Emily Dickinson all’Università di Cambridge. Nel 1976 ottiene la cattedra di Italiano Superiore all’Università Europea di Fiesole, dove insegna per dodici anni a post laureati di vari paesi della Comunità Europea, dopo avere anche lavorato per quattro anni come copywriter in due agenzie fiorentine. Per un anno e mezzo è stata PR per l’estero del sindaco di Firenze Lando Conti e sua traduttrice simultanea. Nel 1995 si diploma presso l’Archivio di Stato di Firenze e nel 1997 si specializza in Araldica e Genealogia. È iscritta all’Ordine dei Giornalisti Toscani, da molti anni organizza e presenta mostre di pittori, scultori, architetti e fotografi.
Ha pubblicato tredici libri di versi, ha tradotto poesia da autori di lingua inglese, francese, russa e ha scritto cinque opere per la TV e il cinema. È coautrice di due imponenti monografie di araldica su altrettante famiglie di Bologna e Firenze, edite da Grafis ed Editalia. I suoi libri hanno vinto prestigiosi premi nazionali, e tre volte il Fiorino d’Oro a Palazzo Vecchio. Da decenni è presente su molte antologie e storie della letteratura Italiana.
Giovanna Giubelli was born in Brianza, Italy, but has been living in Tuscany at Florence since she completed her schooling at the Poggio Imperiale boarding school and graduated from the University of Florence with a thesis on Dylan Thomas, which she had worked on for more than a year in Cambridge University, UK. In 1973 she qualified professorship to teach at European University Institute (EUI) in Fiesole, Italy, with a thesis on the poetry of Emily Dickinson. Dr. Giubelli taught Italian Language and Literature at European University Institute (EUI) for twelve years and had given seminars on Italian Literature in Canada, Australia, Chile, Hungary, Ireland, and South Africa. Her translations of Solzhenitsyn, Gali?, Sinyavski, Pushkin, Gogol’, Dickinson, Kipling, Pound, Eliot, Dylan Thomas, Eluard, Ramuz, Chessex, Roud, Legrand, and Etrog have been published by Mondadori, Garzani and Scheiwiller. She also obtained in 1995 the Diploma inArchive Science, Paleography, and Diplomatics following a 3-year course for post-graduates at the State Archives in Florence with the specialization in Heraldry and Genealogy for the areas of Italy, Scotland, Ireland, Poland, Russia, and Hungary. Giovanna has been described as a poet since 1983 in various Histories of Italian Literature and Anthologies of twentieth-century poetry (edited by Zagarrio, Spagnoletti, Mezzasalma and others) and is a member of several juries for journalistic and literary prizes. For a year and a half (1983-84) she was the PR and simultaneous interpreter between the Mayor of Florence, Lando Conti, and Heads of State, Monarchs and Prime Ministers. In June 1993 she co-authored Il Gigante degli Orti Oricellari (The Giant of the Orti Oricellari Gardens), published by Editalia, to which she contributed the section on the heraldic and genealogical history of the Stiozzi Ridolfi Ulivieri family. In the spring of 1994 the Grafis publishing house of Bologna produced a bilingual illustrated volume, co-authored by Giovanna Giubelli, entitled Il Palazzo e la Famiglia Salina Amorini Bolognini (The Salina Amorini Bolognini Palace and Family) and presented it at the Frankfurt and Turin book fairs. The poet also writes cinema scripts and is involved in archive science and genealogical history. Between 1974 and 1977 she wrote the theatrical piece Absences and the television one-act La Vacanza. She has written three cinema and television pieces (1995/96/97). Giovanna is a member of the Order of Journalists and has been contributing to magazines and newspapers since 1970. She has been a copywriter since 1975 and has a number of experiences promoting and presenting sculptures, architectures, paintings, and photography exhibitions.