Patrizia di Carrobio, nata in Canada da genitori italiani, ha vissuto a Bruxelles, Roma, Milano, Londra e New York. Ha iniziato la sua carriera da Christie’s, dove è stata una delle prime battitrici d’asta, diventando poi Head of The Jewelry Department.
Da oltre trent’anni commercia in gioielli e pietre preziose, e dalla sua esperienza sono nati i libri Diamanti: una guida personale (2010), Conoscere i gioielli: come sceglierli e portarli (2011) e Be Jeweled / Una vita a gioiello (2017).
Patrizia di Carrobio was born in Canada to Italian parents, and has lived in Brussels, Rome, Milan, London, and New York. She started her career at Christie’s, where she was one of the first women ever to work as an auctioneer, after which she became Head of the Jewelry Department. She has dealt in jewelry and precious stones for the past three decades, and has published three books based on her experiences: Diamanti: una guida personale (Astraea, 2010), Conoscere i gioielli: come sceglierli e portarli (Salani, 2011) and Be Jeweled / Una vita a gioiello (Polistampa, 2017).