Emanuele Bettini
lives in Prato, where he was born. Teacher of letters, he published Viaggio
a Roma (Padova, 1966), Città di notte (Prato, 1996), Lutto in
rione-L’acchiappacani-L’avaro (Venezia, 1994). He has also collaborated to the
third page of the Florentine daily newspaper “Il nuovo Corriere”, directed by
Romano Bilenchi, 1954-58; the Roman one “L’Unità”, 1957; “La gazzetta di Prato”,
1988-89 and to the magazines: «Prato-storia e arte» of the tourism agency;
«Archivio storico pratese»; «Crocevia» Prato; «Il portolano» Florence.