Medico specialista in igiene e medicina preventiva, perfezionata in management sanitario e gestione dei servizi territoriali. Dopo un’esperienza di 9 anni presso l’AOU di Careggi, dal 2013 dirige il settore "Programmazione e organizzazione delle cure" della Regione Toscana, occupandosi del riordino della rete ospedaliera, dell’emergenza-urgenza e dell’implementazione della rete territoriale. È membro dell’osservatorio nazionale sulle cure palliative e membro supplente del comitato LEA nazionale.
Daniela Matarrese is a specialist in hygiene and preventive medicine, and focuses particularly on healthcare management and management of hospital and district services. She has more than 10 years of experience with the Careggi Teaching Hospital. She also managed the sector “Planning and organization of care” of the Tuscany Regional Health System in the period from 2013 to 2015. This involved the reorganization of the hospital network, emergency medicine and implementation of the regional network. She is a member of the Italian national technical committee of essential levels of care (Livelli Essenzialidi Assistenza) and has been member of the national technical committee on spending review.