Sonia Zampini vive e lavora a Firenze. Ha conseguito la laurea in Lettere Moderne, indirizzo storico artistico, con tesi in Storia dell’Arte Contemporanea.
Oltre alle numerose pubblicazioni di cataloghi d’arte, scrive per riviste di settore e cura mostre per gallerie ed enti pubblici. Ha tenuto molte conferenze su temi inerenti l’arte contemporanea dal secondo Novecento ad oggi. Dal 2014 ha aperto a Firenze la Galleria ZetaEffe Arte Contemporanea.
Si occupa di arte e cultura contemporanea con particolare riferimento alla letteratura.
Sonia Zampini lives and works in Florence. She graduated from the Faculty of Humanities majoring in Literature with stress on Art History, handing a dissertation on Contemporay Art History.
She has written several articles for specialized magazines and she has given her contribution to several publications of art catalogues. She also curates exhibitions for galleries and state-run organizations. She gave many conferences regarding topics concerning Contemporary Art, ranging from the second half of the 20th century to nowadays. In 2014 she opened Galleria ZetaEffe Arte Contemporanea in Florence.
Sonia is not only interested in Art but also in Contemporary Culture, especially in Literature.