Nasce nel 1942 a Morges, in Svizzera. Nel 1973 inizia a dipingere su porcellana, per poi passare nel 1989 ai dipinti su seta e infine nel 2003 a quelli su tela. Dopo la sua prima personale, a Morges nel 1999, espone in Svizzera, Italia, Francia e Spagna. Muore nel 2011 e viene sepolta ne cimitero di Tolochenaz.
1942 Birth of Danièle Eléonore Millioud in Morges (Switzerland)
1949-1961 Youth and education in Switzerland, the United States, Iran and the United Kingdom (Morges – Leavenworth – Teheran – Frauenfeld – Lausanne – London)
1962 Executive Secretary, World Wildlife Fund (International), Morges
1964 Marriage to Fritz Vollmar
1965 Birth of daughter Ines Esther Eliane
1967 Birth of son Alain Patrick Olivier
1973 Beginning of studies in the art of painting on porcelain
1977 New family home: La Roseraie, Tolochenaz
1989 Beginning of studies in painting on silk
2001 Opening of the Atelier-Galerie du Manoir in St. Prex together with her son Patrick
2003 Started painting on canvas
2007 Opening of Galerie ArtLoft in Morges together with Patrick from 1996 Collective and individual exhibitions of paintings on porcelain, silk and canvas, in Switzerland, Italy, France and Spain
2011 Death and final resting place in the cimetery of Tolochenaz