Ambra Trotto, laureata con lode in Architettura presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze, è attualmente assegnista di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Tecnologie dell’Architettura e Design “P. Spadolini” e docente nel Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Design dello stesso Ateneo. Sta conducendo la sua ricerca di dottorato presso la Eindhoven University of Technology, Dipartimento di Industrial Design, nel Designing Quality in Interaction Group, esplorando l’ambito dell’ethics in design per prodotti e sistemi intelligenti, applicando processi basati sulla condivisione del fare in ambienti multiculturali e ha contribuito alla fondazione del metodo Rights through Making. Fa parte del Consiglio del Transplant Ideal Projects Lab di Dale, in Norvegia e lavora come consulente per le strategie internazionali di comunicazione e design, specialmente nell’ambito del prodotto Made in Italy.
Ambra Trotto graduated with honors in Architecture at the University of Florence and is currently a research fellow at the Department of Technologies of Architecture and Design “P. Spadolini” and teacher in the Masters’ Course in Design of the same University. She is doing her PhD at the Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Industrial Design, Designing Quality in Interaction Group, exploring the field of ethics in design for intelligent products and systems, applying processes that focus on the sharing of making in multicultural environments and has contributed to the foundation of the Rights through Making approach. She is part of the norwegian Transplant Ideal Projects Lab board and she works as a consultant for international strategies in design and communication, especially for Made in Italy products.