Anna Maria
Biscardi, born in Potenza, did classic studies gaduating in Letters amd Phylosophy
at the University of Naples. In 1993 she published a collection of poems La
casa delle bambole (The Doll House) and in 1996 Colloqui amichevoli con Geno
Pampaloni (Friendly Conversations with Geno Pampaloni), which testifies to her
affectionate and conscious friendship with the man of letters. Her production
has earned her citations and awards. Anna Maria Biscardi has also shown
particular sensitivity to the problems of women in Southern Italy with the
volume published in 1999 Passaggio a Mezzogiorno (Passage to the South), a
testimony to the social closures of certain environments. In 2001, she edited
the sharp and pleasant biography of a character from Signa, Moscerino, and in
the same year the poetry collection La luce dei ricordi. Anna Maria Biscardi
lives in Scandicci (Florence).