Silvia Noferi

Silvia Noferi

Lavora professionalmente come fotografa, specializzandosi nella riproduzione di opere d’arte. Ha terminato gli studi di fotografia alla FSM nel 2006. Alcune delle mostre a cui ha partecipato: nel 2004 “Artissima - Progetto FotoAround”, Torino; nel 2005 “Orario continuato”, Accademia Albertina, Torino; “Rotte Metropolitane: Sconfinamenti”, Accademia Belle Arti, Firenze.

I was born in Florence in 1977. My journey in photography begins in adolescence and developed over the years through multiple experiences of study and research, until a work experience, such as printer and Assistant in a study of fine art reproduction. In 2003 I enrolled at the school of photography Fondazione Studio Marangoni graduating three years in 2006. In those years I started my artistic research focusing initially on self-portrait. Currently the themes with my work compare are those of identity, of dream and memory, without leaving out the timeliness of our time. Some of my works have become part of the permanent collections such as the Macn, Monsummano Terme, and foundations such as Fondo Malerba for photography. I exhibited in several exhibitions both in Italy and abroad and won awards as the Celeste Prize 2009, exhhibition prize ARTELAGUNA, the prize ITS talent support, I had a special jury mention at the Talent prize of 2008 and received the silver GONFALONE of the Tuscany Region, as well as being a finalist in several other awards.

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